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I am such a failure.

And I'm all alone crying now
If you believe the lie,
You are such a fool

I know it wasn't even my fault
But the consequences will hurt me
If they would have been on time
How different would it be.

They came too late, too late for me
I'd already been far gone
Too late for me to be saved
So now I'm all alone

All alone I'm telling me what a failure I am
I know, this failure wasn't even my fault
But who would ever believe me
With all the failures I hold

I know it wasn't my fault.
I know they came too late.
But that will change nothing of what is to come
Cause they have decided my fate.

So now I am here, all alone
Telling myself what a failure I am
And the consequences will hurt me
So why would it bother them

I wanna blame them,
But who would believe me
While everyone knows
What a failure I am and will always be

It's my own fault after all,
I can't blame it on time
Cause the failure after all,
Was the very mine

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