Caught in between

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I'm breathing slowly
between waking and dreaming
but if it's not a dream right now
What is its meaning?

His hand brushed softly through my hair,
a gentle touch, 
I feared the silence would break if he knew
That what I felt, was this much

How easy it could be to cross that line, 
To let this friendship change its name, 
Yet something holds me back, a whisper, a sign, 
That tells me love always ends the same

A fragile line between what is and could be, 
A friendship steady, yet so close to more, 
But what if love fades and leaves us broken, 
What if I lose what I most adore?

His heart is pure like gold
and his hair smells like summer rain
His soul is why I can't take the chance
Can't risk to cause him any pain.
Not for mine, but for his sake,
Afraid that if I fail, he'd break

So here I stay, between waking and dreaming, 
Silencing my heart's loud screaming, 
And though it whispers, “what if,” I must say,
For both of our sakes, I’ll keep those thoughts away

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