Sweet violence

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Tell me, do you know it too?
Or don't you know what is to do?
Did you fool forget?
Reply, reply.

I know inside you did forget
Oh sweet violence, what is true?
The sun did rise but will it set
When sin is all I do?

With sweet taste in your mouth
You will die tonight
But you will go to hell
Will never see the light

Do you think it's worth it?
Oh, only so much time
To dreaming spend in golden dreams
And enjoy your crime

Like when you shower, shower hot
Until your skin goes red
It is so warm, it feels so good
But also hurts so bad

Your outside looks so shiny
Just look at all your rings
But wait, your inside's rotten
And it will spread its wings

So this is how it's gonna end
Your end, it's coming soon
So, wisely use the rest of time,
Stare gazing at the moon

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