Toxic water

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I just avoid the question
And keep it far away
but it is gonna crash on me,
crush my bones one day.

It's like a tiny string
That's holding up a rock so tall
I'm standing directly under it
Knowing that it's gonna fall

It's gonna crash me
Ready to slaughter
I don't have any air left,
Drowning in toxic water

Why won't nobody save me
And tell me what is right
And stop to strangle my neck
Instead of holding tight

I don't wanna hear my own thoughts
So I push them all away
Don't want to feel anything at all
I become numb and number every day

I run away but am chasing myself
Trying to catch up but I can never
Who am I supposed to fight when I am the enemy myself
I know I won't win ever

Someone pull me out this toxic water
Can't you hear me screaming?
How can nobody notice
That I've long ago stopped breathing

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