Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

today was hard again, cold again.
I tried my best,
I don't think they noticed.
I just need to get it off my chest.

Freezing temperatures all around
Nothing to hear, frozen sound.
Didn't know what I was supposed to do,
I tried to keep on going,
but my heart was too cold, too.

I don't feel like I'm good enough,
Struggeling, I stand alone,
I know I'm such a failure,
I can't do it on my own.

It feels like I cheated,
I always had help, along the way,
but left on my own, I struggle and crumble,
in what I think, what I do, what I say.

Nobody can see my lies,
the illusion I've built around my walls
And nobody except me hears,
when my demon within calls.

It's exhausting, Diary, pretending I'm strong,
When all I feel is that I'm getting it wrong.

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