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It's weird, the world keeps turning
for everybody else,
While mine stopped,
and I can't carry on.

How am I ecpected to funktion normally,
and just live on?
I can't even breathe,
I can't even laugh,
I can't even live,
now that you're gone.

I can't believe you're not here anymore
I'm full in my heart,
with nothing but pain.
I thought we had more time.
But now you're gone,
and things won't be the same.

I thought, that one day I would meet you,
and show my heart you're real.
Because I always felt you're too good to be true,
and now that's how I'll always feel.

Were you ready to leave?
I wish you had told me.
And I would've told you to stay.
But now you're gone,
and I can't tell you anything,
because you're dead, gone, away.

Chaos In My MindWhere stories live. Discover now