Always the writer

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Always the shadow, never the sun,
Always the race, but never the run.
Always the flicker, never the flame,
Always the face, but never the name.

Always the thinker, never the thought,
Always the answer, never the sought.
Always the dreamer, never the dream,
Always a whisper, never a scream.

Always the artist, never the view,
Always the old, never the new.
Always the heart, but never the beat,
Always the path, but never complete.

Always the echo, never the sound,
Always the seeker, never the found.
Always the shape, never the mold,
Always the silver, never the gold.

Always the start, never the motion,
always the lake, never the ocean.
Always the watchful, never the seen,
Always the background, never the scene.

Always the touch, but never the hold,
Always the story, but rarely retold.
Always the page, but never the book,
Always the glance, but never the look.

Always the writer, with words to choose,
But always the writer, and never the muse.

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