Behind the Smile

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I laugh, I joke, I play the part,
Keep the mask to hide my heart.
My smiles is all that you can see,
But never what’s inside of me.

Inside, it’s dark, a hollow space,
A battle fought I can’t erase.
I scream so loud, but no one hears,
Trapped alone, I drown in tears.

I wear the mask, the perfect face,
I never let you see the trace
Of tears that fall when no one’s there,
Of pain too sharp for me to share.

And all I wish, though I won’t say,
Is for someone to see the cracks today,
To notice when I say I’m fine,
That it’s a lie, a broken line.

But no one looks, and no one knows,
How deep this endless river flows.
I laugh, I smile, I try to fight,
But noone sees my pain inside.

Maybe if you saw through my lies,
Past the jokes and false smiles,
You’d reach out, pull me from the edge,
Before I fall from this high ledge.

But every day, I lose the fight,
Hide the shadows in the light.
And in the end, I slip away
Kind of hoping someone stops me,
but too afraid to stay.

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