we'll be okay

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Just because things will be different
Doesn't mean they're gonna be bad.
Just because some things are ending,
There's no reason to be sad.

Things won't be weird,
believe me when I say,
The most important things will stay just the same,
while some will change,
and that's okay.

We walked a line, close, unsure,
Almost more, but never quite.
I know you love me, or maybe you could,
But some things never feel just right.

It's not that I don't care for you,
You mean more than words could say.
But what we were or what we've been
Was never really meant to stay.

Still, that doesn't mean we lose
The way of who we've always been.
You won't lose me, I won't lose you,
Even if we change within.

We may drift from where we were,
Yet not apart, just differently.
And in the space where something ends,
Something different will come to be.

We might not share the moments we did,
The almosts and what-ifs will fade.
Yet at the core of everything,
There's still that bond that we have made.

And when things feel like they are dead,
Or if you miss what we once knew,
Remember, we are stronger still,
A friendship that is strong and true.

Believe me when I promise you this:
The best parts of us will stay,
And no matter how we change or grow,
You'll be okay.
We'll be okay.

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