Kim Taehyung

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The place is beautifully Adorned with gleaming bright golden yellow and white lights making it appear like a heaven on the earth. The big enormous glass chandelier reflecting it's light all over the place . The ballroom was filled with all the elite people in the society. Reflecting only one thing money. Some were enjoying the party while some were showing off their money in the form of bragging about their achievements.

  Kim's One of the most influential families in the country was throwing this grand lavish party on the account of  their son coming back to koras after completing his studies at Oxford.


The only name was on the mouth of all the people who were present in this grand celebration.  Everyone wanted to see the glimpse of the heir of the Kim family.

The place was filled only with influential and rich people in the country. Some of them were the top most business who greedily wanted to shake their hand with Kim as their value is very high in the market.

While some of the families have brought their spinster daughters only to marry them off with only the heir of the Kim family. As they knew their daughter's life will all set she will live the royal and lavish lifestyle.

Women were eagerly waiting to take only one glimpse of the heir. They have heard that the man is handsome as hell with a tall height and well built body. His azure eye's with the little combination of winter gray is his most captivating feature other than his face. Sculpted sharp jaw and Thin lips. They were eagerly waiting to see the glimpse of him..

Kim's corporation has occupied almost every field be it beauty products or international business or education only one name dominating the market was kim.

And each and Every person was waiting to see the sole reason for the prosperity of Kim corporation's . The person who took the Kim corporation's to the sky heights who's sharp brain and business skills helped them to dominate in this market.

Beside being devilishly handsome the man was  acumen , razor minded who has great knowledge in business and psychology. He has completed his MBA in business analytics and psychology in addition. High in intellect and articulate in communication. No one can win against him.

Tonight he was coming to Seoul as his dad Mr. Eum  Kim  one of the notorious and the diamond of the business world asked him to come to his country.

Everyone was impatiently waiting for the arrival of the star of today's party but the person was nowhere to be seen.

" Have you called him ? Where is he ?"

Asked Mrs Kim. Miyoung the mother of the young lad who was impatiently waiting for her son's arrival.

" Yes he said he will reach in few minutes"

Said Mr eun. He was too eagerly waiting for his son .   Looking around everyone's stare at them he went to the center to divert the attention of people.


As the door of the lift closed both the people Started kissing each other impatiently as if their life depended on it.  Their mouths sucking each other and saliva mixes in their mouths. Hands traveling desperately on each other's body to feel them.. still attaching their mouths the reached their booked room. Kissing each other hungrily. 

Unlocking the door . The man slammed the woman on the nearby wall, sucking her lips like a hungry animal.  Her dainty hands traveled all over his body feeling the hard skin of his masculine chest. 

Soon all her clothes were pooled down her feet as she was stark naked in front of his lust filled hungry eyes . Smirking at the man she held his collar and removed his face parting away from the kiss.

" I don't want you to be here , " she said seductively, biting her lips .  Holding his veiny hand she placed it in her uncovered womanhood pressing his fingers on her clit. " I want you here taehyung"

She whispered, breathing heavily as soon as long calloused hand came in contact with her pusssy.

Kim  only smirked at her bold move but was displeased. He hated being ordered by others whether it is sex or in life. Taking off his hand he looked at the woman in front of him. Who was sulking after removal of his touch. She came closer and tried to grab his face to kiss him but the man backed off immediately making her groan in frustration.She desperately wanted to touch him like an animal in heat she was desperate for sex.

And he hates it. He hates when someone touches him without his permission. He hates being touched. Grabbing her fistful hair he jerked his face upward . She immediately lifted her face up for a needy kiss but couldn't as the man backed away instantly.

" Pleasure yourself"

He ordered like a king . His voice was deep and husky, sending a shiver down her body . Lust filled in her eyes as she heard his vulgar command. Smiling seductively she walked towards the big King sized bed.

Settling herself in the middle of the bed she spread her legs widely to show her treasure to his hungry eyes. Leaning backward she put her two fingers in her mouth before inserting them in her glistening hole.

" Uhhhh"

She whimpered in pleasure as her thin fingers stretched her walls but she wasn't feeling the pleasure which his cock would provide. Her one hand roamed all over her body sensually . Grabbing her breast she squeezed them moaning louder his name .
She wanted to let him know how desperately she wants to fuck him. Her lustful hungry eyes never leaving his talk lean muscular figure which was standing in front of her fully covered in this suit. While she was stark naked for his eyes.

Her fingers started moving in and out at a fast pace chanting his name .  Which pierced his ears.

" Aaaahhhhh. … Ummm.. Tae…taehyung"

" Ohhh….mmm"

Soon the thick liquid coated all over her fingers as she reached her high. The bed became dirty from her fluid.  Panting heavily she looked at him with her hooded eyes who was still standing there with an emotionless face.

"  Show me  how animal  you are taehyung. Fuck me like an animal."

She said desperately beckoning him with her fingers to come to bed.

The man only smirked in response before turning his feed .

" Go fuck yourself …like you did . Miss Anastasia gusev "

Saying this the man left the room leaving her shocked at her place.
She was fool who thought that she can trap  him easily. Sent by a Russian buisness man whose offer he rejected .To get the information from him about all his new projects and destroy him..

The plan was simply to lure him for sex and drug him and extract all the information.

But what they didn't know was that the man whom they were dealing with was not easy to tackle. He was not a fool.he was a clever wolf who was  aware of the things going around him.
Being a successful figure he has also made some reveals who were impatiently waiting for his downfall  like a vulture .And he has to take care of all of it .

Coming out of the hotel he made his way towards the car.. his driver opened the door for him and he got inside.soon the car took turn taking him to his destination.

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