chapter 25

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Hope flickerd in her eyes. Her body jolted in happiness. A smile adorned her tired face without wasting time she turned around hurriedly. There was no way she was going to lose this chance.. like an animal she jumped on her place and ran to the middle of the road.  Standing in the middle she stretched her both hands waving them up and down in order to stop the car..

“ Stop please stop "

She screamed in order to catch the attention of the driver.. the car was coming with the speed towards her but sia didn't move from her spot..

The person inside the car instructed driver to stop the car in front of her . He had spotted from very far . A soft chuckle left from his mouth seeing her jumping on her spots wavering her hands.. she looked comical though jumping on the middle of the street like this. Living with children she sometimes behaves childish too. A smile broke on his lips.

Car halted right in front of her making sia dance in joy. She jumped in excitement.

“ Thank you God for sending this car "

She thanked God before dragging her bag along with her. Her excitement could be seen in her actions. The person couldn't help but smile at her actions. Where on the earth he found this woman.. she was a single piece.

Excited sia stood near the driver seat and knocked the car window. The window rolled down removing the barrier between the driver and her.  Sia's smile vanished the moment her eyes fell on the person. Her excitement died .

There he was sitting on the driving seat looking at her with smile on his face..
He was donning in his buisness suit. Eyes had a veil of black sunglasses looking all handsome..
He opened the door for her indication her to get in.

“ Get inside"

He ordered.  Sia thought for second before entering inside. She kept her bag behind and sat beside him closing the door she looked at him who was already looking at her .

As Sia settled into the car beside him, confusion etched across her face, he gave a subtle instruction to the driver, initiating the car's motion. Despite the movement, Sia's gaze remained fixed on him.

Realization dawned on her, and everything became clear. He was the orchestrator behind this. How could she forget? Only he possessed the influence to manipulate such situations.

"You did this, didn't you?" Sia accused, her tone laced with hurt and disappointment. Her teary eyes bore into his, seeking an explanation. He maintained silence, a vicious smirk on his lips, a silent acknowledgment of his manipulative actions.

"Why did you do this? Why? I just wanted to enjoy some time with my kids. But you snatched it away. You snatched away my happiness. How can you be so cruel?"

Sia poured out her anger, delivering small, ineffectual punches to his hard chest. Each punch, though seemingly forceful, felt more like a caress against his unyielding frame. Taehyung, unaffected, allowed her to vent her frustration, the smirk on his lips persisting.

Her cries intensified as she scooted away from him, finding solace near the window. Leaning against it, her sobs reverberated within the confines of the car. Taehyung observed her emotional outburst, silently absorbing the impact of her words and punches.

As the vehicle set into motion, Sia's initial confusion turned into panic as she realized it was not the route to her home. Looking out the window, she saw unfamiliar streets passing by and immediately turned around to confront Taehyung.

"This is not the way to my house, stop the car!" she demanded, but Taehyung remained silent, ignoring her outburst.

"Stop the car, Taehyung! Where are you taking me?"

Sia shouted at him, frustration and fear evident in her voice. Taehyung, seemingly unaffected, paid no attention to her questions. Desperation took hold of Sia as she attempted to open the car door, only to discover it was already locked. Her gaze shot towards Taehyung, and her eyes burned with hatred. She was furious.

"We are going somewhere,"

Taehyung finally broke the silence, speaking calmly.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you, drop me at my house!"

Sia responded furiously. However, Taehyung disliked the tone she used with him and her raising her voice.
"Lower your voice, Sia, and behave yourself," he stated calmly, his voice carrying a hint of an unspoken warning. "You are not going to your home; you're coming with me."

"I won't go anywhere with you! Just leave me, you monster!"

Sia stated in frustration. His eyes hardened at her choice of words, and something stirred inside him. He grabbed her hair in a fist, yanking her face closer. Sia met his gaze with hatred.

"Don't try to test my patience, Sia. Have you forgotten that you have no choice in this? Your words don't matter; I have full right over you. I can do whatever I want with you. Did you get that?"

he threatened, his dark eyes instilling fear. Sia fell silent.

"Good girl,"

he released her hair and patted her cheeks. The rest of the ride was filled with silence, with neither uttering a word. Sia looked outside the window, crying silently, overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness.

Sia opted for silence, allowing him to take charge. After half an hour, unfamiliar streets guided her to the airport. Suspicion clouded her gaze as she wondered why he was leading her there.

The man remained engrossed in his phone until the car halted on what seemed like an empty runway. The driver opened the door for both, and Taehyung, with a proud smirk, led her towards a sleek private jet.

Sia, astonished, observed her surroundings as her eyes widened at the sight of the impressive jet. Taehyung's pride in her reaction was evident. She regained composure, distancing herself when he attempted to intertwine their fingers.

His amused chortle acknowledged her fury, prompting her to step away sensing danger. Fearfully, she questioned,

"Where are you taking me?"

Ignoring her, he insisted she get inside, attempting to hold her hand again. Resisting, Sia irked him, leading him to effortlessly lift her into his arms and carry her into the private jet.

Sia's screams went unanswered as Taehyung settled her into a seat. Shooting daggers, she remained hostile while the plane took off. Taehyung, unfazed, eventually addressed her, defending his actions against her hateful gaze.

"Don't give me that look, Sia. I told you not to go to that camp. If you want to travel, ask me but you didn't litsen why are you so stubborn.
.By the way We're heading to Germany for my dad's hotel inauguration,"

he revealed, caressing her cheeks.

Defiantly, Sia expressed her resentment, stating,

"I would have been happier with my children than with you."

Taehyung, angered, disclosed their destination, Germany, for his father's hotel inauguration.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you,"

Sia cried helplessly, but Taehyung, unyielding, declared,

"You don't have a choice," scooting her closer on his lap and burying his face in the crook of her neck.

As the plane flew to its destination

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