chapter 26

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Taehyung reclined in the opulence of his private plane, his focus dedicated to the laptop before him as they cruised towards Germany. The anticipation of reaching one of his favorite destinations heightened with every passing moment.

As he stole a fleeting glance through the plane's window, all he could discern was an abyss of darkness, signaling the arrival of nightfall. His attention shifted from the obscure view outside to the woman nestled beside him, peacefully lost in her slumber.

With closed eyes, her long lashes painted delicate shadows on her serene face. A subtle sadness lingered, evidenced by the traces of tears still visible on her cheeks – a testament to the emotional storm she had weathered mere hours ago. Even in the tranquil embrace of sleep, her beauty radiated an ethereal quality.

Lost in contemplation, Taehyung marveled at how she retained her allure even in the vulnerability of sleep, leaving him to ponder the enchanting mystery of beauty that transcended wakefulness.

With a soft, contemplative sigh escaping his lips, Taehyung rose from his seat, compelled by an unspoken need. Purposefully, he navigated through the private plane's confined spaces, making his way to the sanctuary of the bedroom.

In the cocoon of his strong arms, she remained blissfully unaware, her form limp in the embrace of deep slumber. The small corridor led him to the bedroom, where he carefully lowered her onto the plush mattress, ensuring she felt no disturbance in her rest.

As the gentle hum of the plane enveloped the space, Taehyung shed the layers of formality, exchanging them for the comfort of a loose-fitting T-shirt and pants. Slipping beside her on the bed, he mirrored the same tenderness he exhibited while carrying her, securing her in the cradle of his arms.

With a delicate touch, his hand found its place around her stomach, pulling her even closer. There existed no room for separation; he yearned to envelop her entirely, absorbing the warmth that radiated from her. In this proximity, surrounded by the soft hum of the plane's engines, he found solace and relaxation, a unique calm only she had the power to evoke in him.

Stepping onto the German soil, Sia was greeted by a rush of cold air, instantly making her aware of the foreignness beneath her feet. The reality of being in Germany after just a few hours of travel seemed surreal. The realization settled in that she was in this unfamiliar land, brought here against her will by a man she had known for only a few months. A sense of unease churned within her as she grappled with the isolation of being alone in an unknown place with Taehyung.

Questions swirled in her mind – What would she do? How could she possibly navigate and survive in this foreign environment? These uncertainties played on her thoughts as they stood at the airport, waiting for transportation.

Her gaze shifted towards Taehyung, engrossed in conversation on his phone. After what felt like an eternity, the sight of two opulent cars punctuated the anticipation. A man in his thirties, exuding an air of professionalism, emerged from one of the vehicles, bowing respectfully to Taehyung.

Taehyung, catching her eye, took her hand, leading her towards the waiting cars. Seated inside one of the luxurious vehicles, the driver, a silent guardian of the journey, initiated the motion towards their undisclosed destination. As the car glided through the unfamiliar German landscape, Sia's mind continued to churn with apprehension and questions, her fate now intricately entwined with the man beside her.

As Sia and Taehyung arrived in Berlin, the capital of Germany, her eyes were ceaselessly exploring the breathtaking cityscape, a sight she had only seen in pictures before. The realization that she was finally in this country overwhelmed her.

Stepping out of the car, Sia's gaze was immediately drawn to a towering, opulent skyscraper ahead. The building stood as a testament to grandeur, exuding affluence.

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