Chapter 17

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Taehyung known for his cold demeanor and unyielding pursuit of power, finds himself caught in a whirlwind of unexpected emotions upon learning that Sia, the woman indirectly suffering because of him, has regained consciousness in the hospital. The news reaches him like a jolt, stirring a tumultuous sea of feelings he struggles to define.

As he contemplates the mere fact of her awakening, an inexplicable relief washes over him. It's a paradoxical sensation, considering the callous nature of his business dealings and the calculated decisions that have defined his life. He questions the source of this unexpected sentiment, this inexplicable connection to a woman he barely knows.

The decision to see her becomes an inevitability, a magnetic force drawing him through the sterile corridors of the hospital. The rhythmic tap of his shoes echoes his internal conflict. He wonders why he feels the need to be near her, to witness firsthand the woman who has unknowingly disrupted the stoic composure he has meticulously maintained.

Entering her hospital room, he is met with emptiness, an unexpected void that unsettles him. A tint of disappointment danced on his face as he found her room empty, his longing eyes filled with hope and desperation were yearning for her glimpse. His winter gray eyes were etching to be drawn deep into her hazel orbs . Feeling defeated, his desperation led him to ask the nurse who was appoo for her.
Following her guidance he approached the same place where she was said to be present.

There she is, Sia, sitting beside her unconscious husband, immersed in a torrent of emotions. Her words, a vulnerable confession of love, penetrate the cold exterior he has worn for so long. The room seems to contract, suffused with an intensity that transcends the mere physical space.

As Sia caresses her husband's head with tenderness, an unforeseen rage simmers within him. His soul feels ablaze, consumed by emotions he never anticipated. The words she speaks carve through the air, an unbearable symphony of love and devotion that clashes with the harsh reality he has crafted.

His eyes, usually cool and calculating, betray a hint of red as the flames of anger flicker within. The air becomes dense with the weight of his disdain. Struggling to maintain control over the tempest within, he grapples with the desire to lash out, to shatter the fragile peace before him.

With a jaw clenched in determination, he decides to retreat. The hospital room, witness to this collision of conflicting emotions, holds its breath as he exits. The door closes behind him with a muted thud, leaving Sia's confession hanging in the air. Alone in the corridor, he battles the storm within, haunted by a newfound vulnerability that threatens the very foundations of the fortress he built around his heart.

In the hushed confines of the hospital room, his weak body stirs, gradually returning to consciousness. His eyes flickering slowly, The cold, clinical atmosphere accentuates the lingering ache in his body, a stark reminder of the merciless assault that had nearly stolen his life. The harsh fluorescent lights cast shadows on the walls, mirroring the darkness that had recently enveloped his world.

As his eyes flutter open, an involuntary shudder courses through him. The haunting images of the ruthless goons, their faces contorted with malice, replay in his mind like a sinister film. The taste of his own blood, the echo of bone against flesh — each brutal detail etched into his memory. He swallows hard, the acrid taste of fear still lingering on his tongue.

His gaze turns inward, and a swell of raw emotion tightens his chest. Unbidden, tears well up, reflecting the stark vulnerability of a man who has glimpsed the precipice of mortality. In that moment, he is not just a victim; he is a survivor grappling with the fragility of life.

A solitary tear escapes, tracing a path down his cheek, as he reflects on the gravity of what almost transpired. He could have vanished into the abyss, leaving behind a void in the lives of those he held dear. The weight of the near-death experience crashes over him like a tidal wave, and he finds himself drowning in gratitude for the chance to live another day.

In the midst of this emotional tempest, his thoughts crystallize around one person — his wife. The woman who, in the face of his own emotional detachment, had remained a steadfast beacon of love. The realization strikes him like lightning: he has taken her for granted, failed to see the depth of her care and the strength of her love.

As he recalls her face, etched with worry and love, his tears become a testament to the profound regret that now engulfs him. The distance he had cultivated between them, a self-imposed barrier erected in the name of personal struggles, suddenly feels like a betrayal.

It's a cruel irony — in the face of losing everything, he comprehends the true value of what he has. The woman he almost lost becomes a treasure beyond measure. He envisions a life without her — a life bereft of her warmth, her laughter, her unwavering support. The mere thought is unbearable.

Determined to redeem himself, he struggles to sit up, every movement a testament to his physical and emotional pain. The hospital room, once a sterile backdrop to his agony, now transforms into a crucible of self-discovery. With shaky hands, he reaches for a tissue, wiping away the evidence of his tears.

The resolve within him intensifies. He cannot allow himself to squander this second chance without mending the fractured bonds. As he contemplates the road ahead, a decision takes root — he will unveil the shadows that lurk in the corners of his heart. He will share the darkest recesses of his soul with the woman who deserves to know.

With a deep breath, he steadies himself. The journey to redemption, to healing, and to a rekindled connection with his wife begins. The weight of his past choices may linger, but the promise of a future, born from the crucible of adversity, ignites a flicker of hope in his eyes.

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