chapter 44

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As Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed, the room seemed to close in around him, suffocating him with the weight of his emotions. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast shadows across the walls, highlighting the stark emptiness of the room, mirroring the emptiness he felt inside.

His eyes were fixed on the wall in front of him, but he wasn't really seeing anything. His mind was consumed by the images he had just witnessed, images that felt like knives twisting in his heart. Tears streamed down his cheeks, silent witnesses to the pain that consumed him.

The sound of his phone seemed to echo in the stillness of the room, the harsh words of the commentators a cruel reminder of the betrayal he had just witnessed. Each word felt like a dagger to his soul, reopening the wounds that were still raw and bleeding.

The images of Sia and Taehyung seemed burned into his mind, haunting him with their intimacy. He felt a surge of disgust wash over him, his skin crawling with revulsion at the thought of her with another man. How could she do this to him? How could she betray him in such a callous manner?

Rage bubbled up inside him, a seething mass of anger and hurt threatening to consume him whole. How could he have been so blind? How could he have trusted her so completely, only to be repaid with such betrayal?

"Why did you do this, Sia?" he whispered, his voice hoarse with pain and anger. "Why did you have to ruin everything?"

He felt a bitter taste of self-hatred rising in his throat. Was he not good enough for her? Was he not rich enough, not successful enough to hold her interest? He had thought he loved her, had thought he could give her everything she wanted. But now he saw the truth – she had never loved him, had never cared for him at all.

"How could you do this to me?" he cried out, his voice breaking with emotion. "How could you betray me like this?"

His words echoed in the empty room, bouncing off the walls like a desperate plea for answers that would never come. He felt a sense of desolation wash over him, a crushing weight that threatened to drag him down into the depths of despair.

In that moment, he realized that he had lost not just Sia, but a part of himself as well. And as he sat there in the darkness, tears streaming down his face, he knew that he would never be the same again.

As Taehyung lounged in his opulent room, the air heavy with the scent of expensive cologne and the lingering bitterness of his liquor, his eyes glinted with malice as he watched the screen before him. The headlines flashed in bold, proclaiming Sia's downfall, and a smirk twisted his lips into a sinister curve.

Each sip of the bitter liquor brought a temporary satisfaction, but it paled in comparison to the twisted pleasure he derived from witnessing Sia's humiliation. She had dared to defy him, to reject his advances and slap him in the face with her defiance. No one, not even his own parents, had ever dared to challenge him like that. And now, she would pay the price for her audacity.

She had been nothing but a pawn in his game, a toy to be discarded when he grew bored. But she had dared to believe herself worthy of more, had dared to reject him for someone she deemed more worthy. The thought filled him with a seething rage that threatened to consume him whole.

She could have had everything – his wealth, his power, his name. But instead, she had chosen to reject him for a man who had nothing to offer. A man who struggled to make ends meet, who was nothing more than a beggar in Taehyung's eyes.

Now, she would pay the price for her foolishness. She would be cast aside, her reputation tarnished beyond repair. She would learn the true meaning of humiliation, of degradation, as she begged for his mercy on her knees.

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