chapter 24

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When she arrived at her school, she noticed that all of the pupils were lined up on the ground to board the bus. She saw Natasha and instantly approached her.

"We are in the same bus,"

Natasha said. Sia said with delight,

"What could be better than sitting on the same bus with your best friend."

Sia and Natasha boarded the bus with the other students, excited.
Their adventure began with a sense of exhilaration.  Chirping of children.

As the school bus rumbled along the scenic route, Sia found herself immersed in the infectious joy of her colleagues and students during the long-awaited school picnic. After a prolonged period, genuine happiness surged through her, filling her heart with warmth.

The bus echoed with laughter and melodies as Sia and her students indulged in the simple pleasures of the journey. They sang songs with gleeful abandon, danced to the rhythm of carefree beats, and engaged in lively games that added to the vibrant atmosphere. Sia reveled in the shared moments, savoring the happiness that surrounded her on this delightful excursion.

The once jubilant bus came to an abrupt stop, leaving Sia and her companions puzzled. Confusion spread like wildfire as questions poured in, seeking an explanation from the bus driver. The driver, however, offered a simple reason—the bus ahead had come to a halt.

Enthusiasm waned, replaced by a collective sense of bewilderment among the students. The air grew still as they settled back into their seats, casting uncertain glances at one another. The hushed whispers faded into silence when their principal, Mrs. Choi, stepped onto the bus. Sia and Natasha rose, mirroring their shared confusion.

"What happened, Mrs. Choi?"

Natasha inquired, voicing the curiosity that echoed throughout the bus. Mrs. Choi met their gazes, her expression carrying an air of unspoken news that only intensified their bafflement.

"What happened, Mrs. Choi?"

Natasha questioned, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow.

Mrs. Choi's gaze briefly shifted to Sia, leaving an unspoken message in the air. Sia caught the glance, feeling a weight of uncertainty settle over her.

"I'm here to inform all of you,"

Mrs. Choi began, capturing the attention of everyone on the bus. Her eyes returned to Sia, and a somber tone crept into her voice.

"Miss Sia won't be coming with us as..."

Mrs. Choi's words hung in the air, met with shocked expressions and a collective gasp. Natasha's wide eyes sought an explanation, while Sia stood frozen, grappling with the unexpected news.

"But why, Mrs. Choi? How can this happen all of a sudden? Everything was decided; they can't tell us like this,"

Natasha pleaded for clarity. Mrs. Choi, apologetic but helpless, responded,

"I don't know anything, Miss Natasha. I received a call from our management team. They said that Sia can't come with us; they want her to return, but they didn't provide any reasons.”

"I'm sorry, Sia; you have to get down from the bus. They've sent a car for you; the driver will drop you home,"

Mrs. Choi conveyed with a tone of regret, the sadness palpable in her voice, reflecting her own disappointment at the turn of events. Natasha, equally disheartened, couldn't hide her frustration.

"This is not right. They should have informed her beforehand if they didn't want her to join the camp,"

Natasha exclaimed, anger lacing her words. The dissatisfaction with the management's sudden decision resonated among the students, though they reluctantly acquiesced.

With a heavy heart, Sia bid farewell to everyone and stepped off the bus. The weight of the situation pressed on her, and tears welled up as the bus vanished from her sight. Alone on the vacant road, she waited for the car, her heart burdened by the unexpected turn of events.

With a disappointed heart, Sia stood on the vacant road, anxiously scanning for any sign of the car that was supposed to pick her up. An apprehensive feeling churned in her stomach, fueled by the ominous thought that something bad might unfold.

Alone in the midst of the empty road, flanked by dense jungles on both sides, Sia's eyes welled up with tears. A wave of emotion overwhelmed her, and the urge to cry her heart out became almost irresistible. This unfamiliar situation left her longing for the comfort of familiar faces, particularly missing someone named Jungkook.

"Don't worry, Sia. Everything will be fine. You will go home safely," she whispered to herself, attempting to provide reassurance. Wiping away the tears streaming down her face, she couldn't help but question her decision to come to this camp. The yearning for Jungkook's company intensified, and a sense of regret settled in. The wind's roaring song only added to her unease, prompting her to hug herself for warmth.

The cold weather, coupled with her predicament, heightened the sense of isolation. Minutes passed, and there was still no sign of any approaching vehicle. Sia retrieved her phone from her bag, hoping to call for help, only to discover it was out of range once again. Frustration set in, and she shook her phone in vain, attempting to regain a signal. Desperate, she walked around, searching for a network, but the barren landscape offered no assistance.

Dejected, she stopped and resigned herself to waiting for the elusive vehicle. Settling her bag on the ground, Sia took a seat, gazing longingly down the road, her heart heavy with a mix of emotions.

Few minutes passed , but there wasn't any sign of vehicle nor range in her phone.. she decided to walk further in hope to find someone on the road whom she can ask help.

Sia was walking straight on the road with her bag in her hand. She was tired after walking just fifteen minutes she hasn't coverd 1km yet .. her body was drained out walking on the road dragging a heavy bag with her . Sia was about to take a step when she heard a smooth sound of vehicle.  The screeching sound of tires resonated in an empty surrounding.

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