chapter 48

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4 years later

As the morning sun streamed through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow over the room, Sia bustled about, humming a tune as she prepared breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of sizzling bacon and eggs.

Lost in her task, Sia suddenly gasped as she felt two tiny arms wrap around her legs. With a smile, she turned to find her three-year-old son, Kiyan, looking up at her with big, innocent eyes.

"What happened, my baby?" Sia asked, pinching his nose gently.

Kiyan's face contorted into a small pout as he spoke in his adorable toddler voice. "Mommy jiya and dad still haven't woken up. Dadda promised me that he would take me to the park today, but look, he is still sleeping with his daughter."

Sia's heart melted at her son's complaint, his little arms crossed in indignation. Smiling, she scooped him up into her arms. "Don't worry, my boy," she reassured him. "Today, your dad and his precious little princess will get a good scolding from me. And we'll make sure to go to your favorite park."

Kiyan's face lit up with excitement, giving Sia a thumbs up in agreement.

Glancing at the wall clock, Sia's smile faded into a look of mock anger. "It's already 11 am, and that King Jungkook still hasn't woken up from his beauty sleep," she declared. "Let him wake up today; he'll do all the cleaning as punishment."

As she spoke, Kiyan giggled mischievously, knowing that his father's charm would soon melt away Sia's faux anger. It was a familiar routine in their household, one filled with love, laughter, and the occasional scolding.

"Kiyan, sweetheart, could you please go to the dinner table? I'm not quite finished with breakfast yet."

Sia spoke as she wasn't done with the breakfast..

"Okay, Mommy. I'll go right away. Waiting for my special breakfast"

hearing her order Kiyan like an obedient kid nodded at sia and ran towards the dinner table sitting on his favorite chair kiyan engrossed himself in watching his favorite cartoon while sia got back to her work of preparing breakfast

As Sia stood in the kitchen, meticulously crafting sandwiches for lunch, the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, filling the room with a comforting scent. Lost in her task, she didn't notice Kiyan sneaking up behind her, his mischievous grin hidden from view.

Suddenly, Sia felt a sharp smack on her backside, the impact sending a jolt of surprise through her body. Her eyes widened in shock, and a small gasp escaped her lips as she turned around, ready to scold that owner of the hand who had dared to lay a hand on her.

Before she could utter a single word, her protest was silenced by a pair of warm lips pressing against hers.

As Jungkook leaned in, his eyes dark with desire, Sia felt a rush of anticipation coursing through her veins. Their lips met in a passionate embrace, igniting a fire that consumed them both. Their kiss was intense, each movement calculated and fervent.

With practiced skill, Jungkook's lips moved over Sia's with a hunger that was palpable. Their breaths mingled, the heat between them rising with each passing moment. Sia's heart raced as their lips moved in perfect synchronization, the world around them fading into insignificance.

Feeling the urge to deepen the kiss, Jungkook tentatively swiped his tongue against Sia's lips, seeking entrance into her mouth. Yet, Sia hesitated, a small barrier of resistance between them. Sensing her reluctance, Jungkook's grip tightened around her waist, his fingers gently pinching her nipples.

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