chapter 15

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Sia was running on the streets like a madwoman. Her feet started to pain by continues running but she didn't stop . She iiwas running in his penthouse direction. She was sure she would find him at that place. 
Sia was aimlessly running without caring about her surrounding that she was running in between bust road. The people were barely dodging her after seeing her in fornt of their car and passing her wired ahd angry glances. 
A large truck with a great speed was coming behind her but Sia wasn't in her propper Senses . That man gave horn continuosly but before sia could see that truck or comprehend anything . She found herself in floating in air like a light object and a stinging sensation spread all over her body as she felt like her body is fell on something with a great force. 
An excruciating pain was the only thing she could feel all over her body.. mostly her head. Sia fell on the ground like a corpse. Her eyes started to get heavy before they fell on her own blood on the ground. The only face appeared infront of her eyes before she closed her eyes falling into complete Abyss of darkness was her husband. 
Dead silence filled in the place as it was deadly calm . Cold wind blew through the window and turned it chilly. A man completely unbothered by his surroundings was immersed in his work.
All his foucs was on that screen. His dark intimidated aura surrounded the place. 
Even though his eyes were focused on the screen but his mind didn't allow his to focus on the work. He was thinking about only one person continuosly . All the time her face was coming in front of him. How much he wanted to see her expressions , her crying face after he threatened her about that video. An inquisitive smirk danced on his face imagining that crying face . He would have surely enjoyed her in that state. That woman love to brag about self respect, high morals, values and ethics and he crushed all these by teaching her a good lesson. He took his revenge not by crumbling her self respect in front the society but he in front of herself. He made sure she would never be able to meet her husband's gaze. She would never be able to see into her own eyes. 
Taehyung always love to teach lessons to such people. He has seen many people who try to put thier nose in his matter or some like her who always talk about high morals and bla bla. And he took care of them by his methods. Just like he took care of his little Mrs Jeon. 
His Trans broke when his phone rang making him come out of his thoughts. His eyes immediately darted towards it and a evil smile adorned his handsome face as he thought it was from his new prey sia . She must have called him to beg for not making viral that video . Sure he has no such intentions to that video viral but he would love to see her begging infront of him. He would enjoy her miserable state. 
Excited he took his phone to answer the call but all his excitement vanished in the thin air when he read the name flashing on the screen. It was from his most trusted man Sejun . Anyways he answered the call thinking that it must be important call about his buisness purpose. 
" Sir "
He hears Sejun speaking and permitted him to speak further.
" Sir you have told one of our man to keep eye on mrs.jeon he informed me that she is in hospital right now. She met with terrible accident. A fast coming truck hit her "
Sejun completed his words .
His grip on his phone tightened and his jaw cleanched hearing that news. A sudden fear crawled into his body . The same fear he felt few years ago. Fear of losing someone.. 
" Where is she right now "
Taehyung asked Sejun his voice was deadly calm but his heart was beating rapidly that he could hear his own heartbeat. 
" Our man has admitted her in our hospital."...
Sejun replied . And taehyung didn't waste any second . He cut the call and dashed out from there in speed of light. He didn't know why he was so bothered after hearing that news. What made him run like a madman to see her. His heart was hammering inside his body thinking about something happens to her. What was happening to him.
After half an hour he reached to the hospital where she was admitted. Everyone stood from their place seeing the owner coning inside in panicked stete as everyone there who he is. Marching towards the receptionist with his long strides he asked her about sias room and she immediately answered him.  
Running towards her room he saw the room was already closed and the red light was on outside the operation theatre. She was In ICU . Taehyung's body covered in sweat after running here and there. He was being impatient to see her. He wanted to if she is fine or not . A heart wrenching feeling if fear was only thing he was feeling. Running his hand through his hair he waited for the doctor to come out.
After long wait of eight hours he heard the opening of the door. He was present all the time there sitting outside the operation theatre.. seeing doctor coming out he immediately walked towards him .
The doctor recognised him immediately and was about to greet him but before he could speak taehyung asked him about sia.
" How is she ?"
His voice filled with fear . He asked immediately held with concern. His chest tightned thinking about the worst possiblites.Doctor didn't know what relationship he had with that women but answered .
" She is out of danger now but her wounds are very deep it would take time for her to recover completely. Thank God that she was taken here on time or else she could have gone into coma as she was hit on her head. "
Doctor informed him about her health. Taehyung took breath of relief after hearing that she was fine . Without wasting time he dashed towards her to look her. He just wanted to see her at that moment.  
The doctor didn't stop him by going inside knows very well about his identity.
Entering inside taehyung looked at her figure who was lying on the bed . Seeing him all the staff went outside leaving him alone with her.
He felt as if time ceased around him when he saw her lying unconscious . Her head was covered in white dressing while drips attached to her hands and her nose . He could see her slow heartbeats on that moniter. He was in relief that she was out of danger yet he couldn't see her in this condition. Slowly walking towards her he looked at her face . Tears stain could still visible on her cheeks he knew she must have cried and he knew the reason behind her tears too. 
Sitting on the chair near her bed. He held her hand with his shaky hand . Yes he was shaking his body was trembling in immense fear. For the first time in his life he was scared for someone . What was happening to him.. what this little woman did to him. That he came all the way just to see her. Maybe he was blaming himself for her this condition . Maybe that human Inside him is still alive that's why he is concerned for her. 
Taehyung sat there for some time before heading towards his penthouse.
After coming back from the hospital taehyung's condition was  worst . He wasn't that same ruthless man who did not care about anything or anyone . Somthing strang was happening to him. Somthing which he never felt in last seven years . That kind of feeling which he buried inside his heart few years ago. Those emotions which he never ever want to experience once again but this woman was capable to evoke those feeling inside his heart , she held the power to evoke that emotions once again inside his heart, something which he didn't want. He didn't want to be that old taehyung again. 
He killed that emotionally fool seven years ago . 
The most prominent emotion he was feeling guilt. That guilt was eating him from inside the moment he saw her laying on that hospital bed bathed in her Own pool of blood . He didn't know why he was feeling that when he saw her . He was a man who didn't care anyone over him then why now . He didn't like her seeing her on that bed. 
She was in that condition just because of him maybe he shouldn't have done this to her . He should not have dragged her in his vengeance . He should not have trapped her in his vicious revenge on that vile person. Afterall she had nothing do with what happened to him . 
What was her fault ? What that innocent women did to him that he stood too low to sell her dignity in front of the whole World .
Taehyung entered inside the bedroom of his penthouse. This house had seen his all colours. This house had seen his vulnerable side at the same time this house witnessed him turning into that ruthless cunning man whom everyone has seen his soft side and his dark side . 
Walking inside he losned his tie and threw it somewhere in the bedroom. Taking off his jacket he unclasped his shirts few buttons. Walking towards the mini bar which was present inside that wast bedroom he sat on the chair near the island . Grabbing the bottle of vine he gulped down the whole bottle in one go.
Unknowingly his eyes travelled to the bed infront of him which was untouched neat and immaculate unlike that night when he witnessed that crumbed sheets and stained mattress. His mind took him to that night which was the most pleasured night for him. He remembered how he took her that night ruthlessly. How he fucked her brutally , he remembered how he tortured her with that sex toy which made her lose her self respect and accept her defeat to him. How her eyes were continued to shade those tears of pain but he acted all blind to her tears because he was eyes were blinded by the vengeance. Remembering her cries of pain and those painful whimpers.
His mind again asked himself that same question what was her fault that he behaved so inhumanly to her . 
The answer was simple . All his question all his inhuman deed towards her had only one answer. His cruality towards her had only answer that.
" She was the wife of the person who had snatched everything from him..she was attached to that person because of whom he had turned into this inhuman. Her only fault was she was close to that person who had snatched his everything."
And that one mere reason was enough for him to hurt her. Because she was associated to Jeon Jungkook the person he hates the most. 
Unintentionally his mind took him to the memories of his past when he lost his everything. His sanity his rationality after witnessing something horrible in front of his eyes . Immediately gulping down the another bottle he shoke his head in order to remove that memories. As if shaking his head vigoursoly those memories will be removed from his head..
Taehyung had not planned to do something like this to her..he never intended to record the video of thier intimate night. He even didn't want to take revenge on her when she recorded that video of him being intimate with that women as he know that small thing would not harm his reputation. He knows how to handle such small things without loosing his control and even if he had to punish her for recovery that video of him he would have simply threatened her for messing with his personal life. 
But the moment his man sent the information of her he lost his control after knowing she was wife of that fucker .
He lost his sanity and decided to make her pawn in his revenge.  
He decided that he will use her to get his revenge on jungkook . He must go through the same pain once he went through. He would go to any length to destroy Jungkook . And for this he needed sia. She will be the key of her husband's destruction .
That's why he recorded that video without her knowledge. So that he can threat her using that. 
" But only if he knows In the process of ruining someone else, he will ruin himself in her hands " 
Gradually, the intoxication of alcohol started showing its effect. Numbing his senses . His eyes became heavy as if they were unable to open for even second..
He was completely under the influence of alcohol.. standing up with the great difficulty he stumbled on his feet before starting to walk towards that same bed where he ruined her that night.
His heavy bodya fell freely on the bed. And soon the sleep engulfed him. 


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