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Tapping her foot on the floor.sia's eyes never left the door .the only thing she was hoping that ,may God do some miracle and he would never come here.she didn't want to face him . She knew whatever she is going to do .will break her completely but she had no choice.she had to do this .she didn't want that sinful thing to happen that she imagined to only do with her . husband.her husband his thoughts made new fresh tears gathered in her eyes.he was fighting for his life and here she was going to do this .she was going going to submit herself to that monster.

She was on his bed.his bed was big enough for sleeping atleast four people on it.she was in his bedroom .painted in all dark grey colour.just like his personality.all the thighs were dark in colour she just noticed it.trying  to divert her mind, She was doing inspection of his room .

But soon her ears heard the sound that she didn't want to hear .the opening of the door .Sia  closed  her eyes in fear . Her fear was coming. He will ruin her tonight.he will taint her virtue.snatch her dignity by his sin. Sia didn't looked in that direction kept her eyes closed . Soon his footsteps becoming louder.indicating he just entered in his bedroom.

Sia sensed his presence in front of her but didn't dare to move .she was numb.

" Get up"

He ordered. She flinched on his loud voice and got up immediately. She didn't want to disobey him .she knew the consequences of disobeying now she was getting the results of the disobeying him . 

" Strip"

She opened her emrald orbs and looked at him with hope.she wished just by seeing her tears the monster would show some mercy on her.he will not taint her.he will not do anything.but he was emotionless monster who felt nothing .his eyes were sharp piercing through her soul.

" S ..sir please""

Sia pleaded through her watery eyes but her tears didn't show any effect on that stone like humann.

" Strip Sia if you don't want to see the dead body of your husband."

He threw his venomous words on her. She shook her head in she can't let anything happen to him.she would do anything for him even if selling her body to this monster.

Reluctantly Sia shaded her clothes off her body ,She was only in her black bra and panty .her hands were shaking badly .her whole body was shaking.she closed her eyes in shame not wanting to meet with his emotionless blue one's.

" I want you fucking naked Sia "

His tone was calm but strom after that calmness was going to come soon..which will shattere her.break her to no point.

" Sir please.. please I'm.married "

" I'm saving myself for my h…husband, please show some mercy, i don't want to do this.."

Sia pleaded again . trying to convince her.she would try till she can..she broke down completely in tears when he again ignored her pleads her tears were having no effect on him.sia understood his warning.he didn't say anything but she got the threat having no choice left .she shraded last pieces of clothes off her body.

Now she was completely naked against his hungry eyes. She immediately covered her breasts with her hands and brought her legs close in order to hide her forbidden part from his eyes.

His eagle like sharp eyes were eye fucking her . He couldn't help but admit she was beautiful. He didn't want to see her unmarked skin .he wanted to mark her whole body with his marks and claim her.and show her place.she will fucking get what she deserves. A low key life her dared to question on him .he would not let her go that easily.

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