chapter 23

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Filled with excitement, Sia bounded home, eager to share some news with Jungkook. Her joy was palpable, and she couldn't contain it. That evening, she prepared a special dinner for them, unable to wait any longer to reveal her news.

As the night fell and the moon illuminated the sky, Jungkook noticed her bubbling enthusiasm, delighting in her happiness. Sia, humming her favorite melody, served him dinner with joy radiating from her.

"You seem unusually happy today," Jungkook remarked, taking a bite.

Sia, chirping like a bird, shared,

 "Our school arranged a five-day camp in a village. This Wednesday, we're going there. I'm thrilled, Jungkook! We'll experience rural life, our old culture, and traditions. Just imagine spending time in the embrace of nature. It'll be amazing. I can't wait!"

Her joy mirrored in Jungkook's happiness. With puppy eyes, she asked, 

"Can I go, Kook?"

 acknowledging that she should seek his approval as her husband.

"Of course, Sia. You don't need my permission to go anywhere. I don't like restricting my wife. Your happiness matters the most," he declared lovingly, melting Sia's heart with his words.

"Thank you so much, Kook. I love you so much,"

 she expressed gratefully.

"Love you too," 

Jungkook responded affectionately. After dinner, they retired for the night, Sia brimming with excitement for the upcoming camp just two days away.

The next day, sia went to school.  Taehyung's face appeared in front of her eyes while she was deep in concentration. She didn't inform him about the camp.

Though she didn't feel it was important to tell him, a part of her was warning her to do so because of this man's impulse. He wouldn't mind going to her house or camp if he couldn't find her when he needed her.

Sia dialed his number while sighing deeply, and he answered right away.

"Hello, sugar,"

 he said. Sia felt loathing creep up her body even as she heard his voice.  

"I want to tell you something!"


He responded with his authoritative voice, sending thrills down her spine. Sia gulped her saliva and informed him about the camp.

However, his response startled her.

"You're not going to that stupid camp, sia; if you want to go somewhere, ask me and I'll take you there." "You are not going anywhere, I am clear."

He threatened her. He finds it difficult to imagine five days without her.  No, he couldn't live without his kitten; he was so attached to her that he couldn't envisage a single second without her.  He quickly denied her.

Sia was astonished by his remarks. What does he think of himself? He can't rule her life in this way. She made a mistake by calling him. No, this time she was not going to let him dominate her life.  She is not a puppet who will dance on his fingers.  Sia ended the conversation in wrath, not wanting to hear his gibberish, and decided to go to the camp.

When her husband does not impose any restrictions on her, why would she listen to any filthy bastard.

Sia decided not to follow his order this time and would stick to her decision.

However, she was emotionally pleased with the idea that she would not see his face or hear his voice for the next five days. 

She will keep her phone turned off for five days and only turn it on when she needs to talk to Jungkook. She doesn't want even his filthy shadow to fall on her over the next five days. 

Sia's most anticipated day arrived. Today she was going to camp. 

She donned a gorgeous pale pink sundress.

Jungkook assisted her with her bags; he was more excited than her and was giving her directions like a strict mother.

"Sia, remember to call me when you get there, and wear your sweater because it will be cold. 

And I've stored some medicine in case you need it. And if the camp food does not appeal to you, I have brought some food as well. "Your clothes have checked in........"

He was going to say something when Sia kissed his lips.

Jungkook stilled on his spot noticing the brave move of his wife. Everything came to a halt as they passionately kissed. Sia was taking command of his lips.  Jungkook felt waves of happiness wash over his body as her soft lips touched his. He closed his eyes in delight, savoring the experience.

After some time, Sia walked away, blushing profusely. Her cheeks were rosy; she could compete with ripe tomatoes.  However, Jungkook's thoughts were preoccupied with the kiss they had just experienced.  Her soft lips felt fantastic against his, and he didn't want to stop there. He wanted to do so many things, but god, she was running late for her bus.

"Don't worry my kookie I wil take care of myself"

She replied, smiling. 

He hugged Sia tightly, as if he didn't want to let go.  

"Take care wify"

He softly kissed her cheeks. After saying her goodbyes, Sia went to her school.

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