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"Mam mam, why is the sky blue?"

A sweet, innocent girly voice reverberated in the closed room filled with the small kids.

Smiling at that toddler, she answered her question.

"The sky appears blue to the human eye because the blue light is scattered more than the other colors in the spectrum, making the blue light more visible. Hence, we see the sky blue."

" Ohhhhhh"

Kids exclaimed in unison after knowing the reason.

"Mam, I have a question: Why do we see dreams?"

Another unexpected question bumbered on her, making her look at the kid who asked the question.

"Mam mam, why is the sun red and yellow and not pink?"

"Yes , the sun should have been pink. I like the color pink.

A gril chirped in excitement.

"Mam, why do our cars not turn into optimus prime like transformers?"

A boy asked.

The continuation of asking questions went on until she decided to break it and start with the main topic. These kids and their never-ending questions would not stop; she would love to answer them, but right now she had to do the work for which she came.

Natasha' her  college was in the saff meeting, and the class of primary students was vacant. Natasha asked her to handle the class until she came.

'Do you always trouble your homeroom teacher like this by asking so many questions?"

asked the woman, placing her hands on her hips with a frown on her face. All the kids giggled at her before saying yes unanimously.

She smiled upon hearing their answer. Turning around, she took the chalk and started writing on the blackboard.

"So everyone, today we are going to learn about metamorphosis."

She introduced today's topic to kids. All the kids turned silent and started to pay attention to what she was explaining.

"Metamorphosis is the biological process of development of an organism from the time of birth or hatching into an adult stage by an abrupt change in the animal's body such that its mode of nutrition and behavior are both changed. It can be seen in fish, amphibians, crustaceans, molluscs, and echinoderms."

She explained the term to the kids and turned on the projector to show the animation of the present topic. Kids watched the animation with keen interest and enthusiasm. It was the best method to make kids understand things deeply with animation and real-life examples.

She smiled, looking at those innocent faces, paying all their attention to the animation. Thero faces held the expression of  aww while watching the videos of the animals. They all looked excited to see it.

After some time, the class was over, and everyone started packing their bags. She was standing there, observing everyone to see if anyone needed help.

When a girl came in front of her, She crouched down to her level while smiling at her.

''Do you need anything, Miley?"

She asked the kid and nodded her head in positive

"Mam, what is o..ob…. obseession?

Miley asked her in her baby voice, making the woman frown at her.

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