Chapter 49

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Sitting on the bench beside the tranquil fountain, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the scene unfolding before me. The sunlight danced across the water's surface, casting shimmering reflections that seemed to twinkle with joy. It was moments like these that made me realize just how beautiful life could be.

I had made the decision to leave the city behind, to escape the suffocating grip of my past. Taehyung's name still sent shivers down my spine, a constant reminder of the madness and obsession that had once consumed my life. But now, he was nowhere to be found. I had left it all behind – the pain, the fear, the memories that haunted me.

It hadn't been easy, breaking free from his clutches. The mere thought of leaving Seoul filled me with apprehension and uncertainty. But then, like a guardian angel, Mrs. Kim had entered our lives. Her unwavering support and guidance had given us the strength to leave it all behind, to start anew in a place where his shadow could not reach us.

And so, we had left Seoul behind and embarked on a journey to a new life, far away from the chaos and turmoil of the city. The small town in the countryside welcomed us with open arms, its quaint charm and peaceful atmosphere a balm for our weary souls. Here, amidst the rolling hills and open fields, we found solace and serenity.

I looked around at the few people scattered throughout the park, each one lost in their own world of laughter and joy. This small town may not have been bustling with activity like Seoul, but it had its own quiet beauty – a beauty that resonated deep within my soul.

As I watched my children playing happily by the fountain, their laughter echoing through the air, I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me. Gratitude for the new life we had been given, for the chance to start afresh in a place where happiness and peace were within reach. And in that moment, surrounded by the ones I loved most, I knew that I had made the right decision – to leave it all behind and embrace the beauty of this new beginning.

As I sat on the bench, watching my children play, memories of our journey to this small town flooded my mind. Starting a new life in a completely unfamiliar place had been far from easy, especially with the added challenge of being pregnant. Yet, somehow, we had managed to overcome the obstacles and carve out a new beginning for ourselves.

The house we had bought here was small compared to our previous home in Seoul, but it was filled with warmth and love. With the money we had received from selling our house in the city, we had scraped by, surviving on what remained after purchasing our new home. Jungkook had tirelessly searched for a job, determined to provide for me and our unborn children, and finally, his efforts had paid off.

I couldn't contain my excitement when we discovered that we were expecting twins – not one, but two precious lives growing inside of me. It felt like a miracle, and Jungkook was over the moon with joy at the news. The thought of raising two children simultaneously was daunting, but knowing that we would face it together gave me strength.

After what felt like an eternity, Jungkook secured a decent job in our new town, easing our financial worries and bringing a sense of stability to our lives. With each passing day, it felt like we were living in a dream – a dream that I had never dared to imagine could come true.

And then, the moment arrived when I gave birth to our angels – Jiya and Kiyan, my heart bursting with love as I held them in my arms for the first time. They were perfect in every way, tiny bundles of joy who completed our family in ways I had never thought possible.

My children were my world, my reason for living. Jiya, with her father's features and mischievous spirit, was the apple of Jungkook's eye, while Kiyan, with his resemblance to his father and his mother's gentle nature, was my little boy through and through.

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