chapter 40

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The fury within Taehyung reached a boiling point as Sia attempted to push him out of her house. His vision blurred with rage, his mind consumed by a relentless desire for revenge. Without a moment's hesitation, he seized Sia and hoisted her over his shoulder, his grip firm and unyielding.

Sia's world spun wildly as she found herself over Taehyung's shoulder, her heart pounding in her chest with terror. Panic surged through her veins as she realized the danger of her situation, her mind racing with thoughts of what Taehyung might do to her next.

Desperate to escape his clutches, Sia writhed and squirmed in his grasp, her limbs flailing against his hold. Her cries for mercy echoed through the empty halls, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

But Taehyung remained unmoved, his determination fueled by a relentless thirst for vengeance. With each step he took towards her bedroom, Sia's fear intensified, her tears flowing freely down her cheeks as she pleaded for release.

The echoes of her cries reverberated through the house, a haunting reminder of the terror that had descended upon her. In the grip of Taehyung's wrath, Sia felt utterly helpless, her world reduced to nothing but fear and despair.

As Taehyung forcefully threw Sia onto her bed, her body bounced lightly upon impact, a stark contrast to the weight of fear pressing down on her. She instinctively scooted back, her wide eyes fixated on the imposing figure of Taehyung standing over her.

"Please, Taehyung, please go away,"

Sia pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation as tears streamed down her cheeks, a torrent of emotion threatening to engulf her. The room felt suffocating, the air thick with tension and fear.

But Taehyung remained unmoved, his presence casting a shadow over her quivering form. His expression softened slightly at the sight of her distress, a flicker of remorse stirring within him. Taking a deep breath, he attempted to call out to her in a gentler tone.


he began, his voice barely above a whisper, but the fear gripping Sia was too overwhelming for his words to offer any comfort.

As Sia trembled in fear on the bed, Taehyung's expression twisted into something dark and sinister. His eyes gleamed with a manic intensity as he leaned in closer to her, his voice dripping with madness.


he spoke again  his tone low and menacing,

" Why don't you understand sugar? I can't leave you. You're mine. Ever since that night you chose to submit to me, you've become my obsession. I can't get you out of my mind. You're like a carving etched into my very being."

His words sent shivers down Sia's spine as she realized the depth of his madness. Taehyung's obsession with her was palpable, his desire to possess her evident in every word he spoke.

"I won't let you go,"

he continued, his voice growing more fervent with each word.

"You belong to me now. You're the only one who can make me feel whole, who can give me peace. I need you, Sia. I need you with me, always."

Sia's heart raced with fear as she listened to Taehyung's deranged declaration. She knew she was trapped, at the mercy of a man consumed by his own twisted desires.

Slowly getting up from the bed Sia stood before Taehyung, her heart pounded with fear and desperation. She knew she had to make him understand, to convince him in most gentle way.


she spoke , her voice trembling with emotion,

"I can't be yours. I'm married, and I love my husband. I respect your feelings for me, but what you want... it can't happen."

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