chapter 36

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Sia's patience wore thin as Taehyung continued to ignore her demands. She pleaded with him to send her back to Seoul, her voice laced with frustration and desperation. But Taehyung remained unmoved, his stubbornness matching her own resolve.

Frustrated by his refusal to listen to her, Sia retreated to her room and locked herself inside. Determined not to give in to his whims, she resolved to give him the silent treatment until he relented and agreed to her request.

Days passed with Sia maintaining her vow of silence, refusing to engage with Taehyung or acknowledge his presence. Despite his initial attempts to coax her out of her silence, Taehyung soon grew frustrated and exasperated by her stubbornness.

Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, Taehyung reluctantly gave in to Sia's demands and agreed to return back to Seoul. Though he masked his annoyance with a façade of indifference, deep down, he knew he had lost this battle of wills.

As Sia arrived in Seoul, a wave of relief washed over her. Finally back in the comfort of her own home, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness tinged with apprehension. Though she was relieved to be away from Taehyung's suffocating presence, she knew she couldn't let her guard down.

With determination in her heart, Sia made a solemn vow to herself – she would do everything in her power to stay away from Taehyung. She had seen his true intentions, and she refused to put herself in harm's way again. She had endured enough suffering, and now was the time to take a stand.

The first step in her plan was to block Taehyung's number. Cutting off all communication with him was essential to her safety and peace of mind. Inside the confines of her home, Sia felt a sense of sanctuary, shielded from the looming threat of Taehyung's presence. She was determined not to let him infiltrate her life any further, even if it meant isolating herself from the outside world.

The fear that Taehyung had instilled in Sia's mind ran deep, causing her to even fear stepping out of her own house. Every time she thought of encountering him, her heart raced with dread, and she found solace in the safety of her home's four walls.

However, Sia's sudden change in behavior did not go unnoticed by Jungkook. Concerned by her withdrawal from the outside world, he gently questioned her about why she had stopped going outside or to her job. Each time, Sia would either dodge his questions or fabricate excuses, unwilling to reveal the true reason behind her actions.

Caught in the web of her own fears and secrets, Sia struggled to maintain her composure in front of Jungkook, knowing that revealing the truth could put both of them in danger. Despite her attempts to conceal her turmoil, the weight of her silence only grew heavier with each passing day.

On the other side

Taehyung's world had turned upside down the moment Sia disappeared from his sight upon their return from Germany. Every attempt to reach her, to hear her voice, was met with the same outcome: her number unreachable. The realization that she had blocked him fueled a fire of anger within him, igniting a storm of frustration and impatience.

He tried calling her from different numbers, desperate to connect with her, but each attempt ended in rejection as she blocked every new contact he tried. The audacity she had to cut off communication with him only fueled his anger further. Here he was, consumed by impatience and desperation to hear her voice, while she played a game of hide and seek.

Taehyung's frustration grew with each passing day as he resorted to waiting outside her school, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. However, each visit ended in disappointment as he learned that Sia had not shown up. Seven days had passed, and still, he had not seen her. The torture of her absence weighed heavily on him, fueling his yearning for her presence and driving him to the brink of his patience.

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