chapter 34

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As  eigh-year-old, Taehyung found himself isolated in the vast garden of his family's estate. Despite his desire to play with other children, he remained alone, surrounded by an entourage of imposing guards who followed him like shadows. Their presence, intended to ensure his safety as the sole heir of the Kim family, inadvertently created a barrier between Taehyung and the outside world. Any child who dared to approach him was met with the intimidating sight of these guards, their stern expressions enough to scare off any potential playmate. Thus, despite his yearning for companionship, Taehyung remained confined to the solitary confines of his privilege, unable to break free from the invisible walls that separated him from the simple joys of childhood camaraderie.

Lost in his own world amidst the solitude of the garden, Taehyung's eyes were suddenly drawn to a small puppy frolicking nearby. A bright smile illuminated his face as he watched the tiny creature darting about with uninhibited freedom. An irresistible urge to play with the puppy welled up inside him, a longing for companionship stirring within his heart.

Turning to his most trusted guard, Taehyung silently gestured for him to bring the puppy to him. The guard, taken aback by the unexpected request, hesitated for a moment before complying with Taehyung's wishes.

Within minutes, the guard returned, holding the wriggling puppy in his hands. Taehyung's eyes lit up with joy at the sight of the adorable creature, and he eagerly rushed forward to take the puppy into his arms.

Gently cradling the tiny animal in his hands, Taehyung's smile widened as he showered the puppy with affection. But despite his tender gestures, the puppy continued to squirm and wriggle, clearly eager to break free from his grasp.

Undeterred by the puppy's resistance, Taehyung's heart swelled with happiness as he declared, 

"You will be my only friend, puppy,"

 his words filled with genuine excitement and joy at the prospect of companionship.

In a swift moment, the puppy wriggled free from Taehyung's grasp, darting away from him with a speed that was foreign to the young heir. With determined strides, the puppy made a beeline for its owner, its tail wagging excitedly as it reached its destination. Upon reaching the owner, the puppy leaped joyfully onto the child, a burst of happiness evident in its every movement.

As the two newfound friends frolicked together in the garden, their laughter filling the air with infectious joy, Taehyung's initial delight turned to seething rage. He watched with growing jealousy as the puppy, the only companion he had sought, found solace and happiness in the company of another.

Consumed by a toxic mix of envy and fury, Taehyung's eyes blazed with a dark intensity, his heart burning with a desire to reclaim what he felt was rightfully his. In a fit of unbridled rage, he lost all control, charging towards the duo with reckless abandon.

The next moments unfolded in a blur of violence and chaos. With a force fueled by his unchecked anger, Taehyung lashed out, striking the unsuspecting child with a stone. The impact was devastating, the sound of the blow drowned out by the child's cries of agony as blood began to pool around his injured head. As the child lay on the ground, wracked with pain and fear, Taehyung stood over him, his chest heaving with the exertion of his rage, a chilling silence descending upon the once joyous garden.

Taehyung's gaze hardened as he locked eyes with the defiant puppy, its barks a stark reminder of his rejection. Anger surged through him, fueling the flames of possessiveness and obsession that burned within him. With a sinister smirk curling his lips, Taehyung's eyes gleamed with a dangerous glint as he made his move.

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