chapter 41

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The room fell into an eerie silence, the tension so thick it felt tangible. Sia's audacious act left Taehyung stunned, his eyes widening in disbelief as the spittle landed on his face. For a moment, he froze, his mind struggling to process the sheer audacity of her action.

Then, as if ignited by a spark, his fury erupted like a volcano. His features contorted into a mask of rage, his eyes blazing with an intensity that bordered on madness. With a guttural growl, he lunged forward, his hand snapping out to grasp Sia's shoulder in a vice-like grip.

"You've made a grave mistake, Sia,"

he hissed, each word dripping with venom.

"You dared to humiliate me, to spit in my face , And for that, you will pay.”

Sia met his gaze head-on, her defiance unwavering despite the fear coursing through her veins. She refused to back down, refusing to let him intimidate her any longer.

"I'm done being your puppet,"

she spat, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and resolve.

"You can't control me, Taehyung. Not anymore."

The air crackled with tension as the two locked eyes, neither willing to yield to the other's will. In that moment, it was clear that the battle between them was far from over.

his eyes gleaming with malice.

"You'll beg and plead for mercy, but it will be too late. You'll learn the true meaning of hell, Sia. And I'll be the one to deliver it."

With that chilling promise hanging in the air, Taehyung turned on his heel and strode out of the room, leaving Sia trembling in his wake. She knew that the battle ahead would be long and arduous, but she refused to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume her



As the door slammed shut behind Taehyung, Sia's legs gave way beneath her, and she collapsed onto the cold, hard ground. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her heart pounding fiercely against her ribcage. The weight of what had just transpired pressed down on her like a suffocating blanket, threatening to crush her spirit.

Trembling hands reached up to cover her face, attempting to shield herself from the onslaught of emotions crashing over her. Tears spilled from her eyes like a relentless downpour, tracing wet trails down her cheeks. Each sob tore through her chest, a raw and agonizing expression of the pain she felt deep within her soul.

The memory of her defiant act, of spitting in Taehyung's face, both emboldened and haunted her. It was a fleeting moment of bravery amidst a sea of fear and despair. If only she had found that courage sooner, perhaps she wouldn't be trapped in this nightmare now.

Curling into herself, Sia hugged her knees tightly to her chest, seeking solace in the darkness that surrounded her. The empty walls of her home bore witness to her anguish, absorbing the echoes of her cries into their silent embrace.

Alone and broken, Sia surrendered to the overwhelming tide of despair, allowing herself to be consumed by the pain of her shattered reality. In that moment of vulnerability, all she could do was weep, her tears a silent lament for the innocence she had lost and the torment that lay ahead.

As the morning sun streamed through the window, Sia slowly woke up, feeling its warmth on her face. She realized she had spent the night on the cold floor, tears staining her cheeks from the previous evening.

Gently wiping her eyes, Sia looked around her room, taking in the quiet emptiness. Memories of the night before flooded back, weighing heavily on her heart.

With a heavy sigh, Sia got up and began to search the house, hoping to find Jungkook. Each room she checked only deepened her sense of solitude, as Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

Tears welled up in Sia's eyes as she faced the reality that Jungkook hadn't returned home, leaving her alone to grapple with her emotions.

Sia paced the empty hall, her heart pounding with worry. Jungkook hadn't come home, and each passing second felt like an eternity. Taehyung's menacing words echoed in her mind, filling her with fear. Had he done something to Jungkook? Was he hurt?

Her mind raced with questions, but there were no answers. Should she call the police? The thought flickered briefly, but she knew Taehyung's warning. Involving the authorities could put Jungkook in even more danger.

Sia's anxiety mounted with each tick of the clock. Why hadn't Jungkook returned yet? Where could he be? She felt helpless, her emotions a tangled mess of fear and frustration.

The hall seemed to close in on her, the silence suffocating. She fought back tears, her hands trembling as she waited for any sign of Jungkook's return. All she could do was hope and pray for his safety.

Sia sat anxiously on the edge of the couch, her fingers tapping nervously against her thighs. The clock on the wall ticked away the minutes, each one feeling like an eternity as she waited for Jungkook to return. The silence of the empty house pressed in on her, amplifying her worries until they felt suffocating.

Finally, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, slowly rising her eyes sia found his figure entering inside the hall and relief flooded through her. Without wasting any time sia made ran towards him l, standing in front of him she looked at him her eyes filled with love seeing him standing in front of her but her relief turned to confusion and concern. He stood before her, his expression unreadable, and Sia's heart sank. He was looking cold and distant.

"Jungkook, where have you been?"

she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

"I've been waiting for you. I was so scared thinking that something had happened to you . Where were you jungkook since last night. Please tell me love ?”

Sia asked in pure desperation her voice quivering with worries.

Jungkook remained silent, his eyes distant and cold. Sia's stomach churned with unease as she approached him tentatively, reaching out to touch his arm. But before she could make contact, he recoiled, his hand lashing out to deliver a sharp slap across her cheek.

Pain exploded through Sia's face, and she stumbled back in shock, tears springing to her eyes.

"Jungkook, why?"

she cried, her voice breaking with hurt.

"What's wrong? Please, talk to me."

But Jungkook said nothing, his gaze fixed on some unseen point in the distance. With a heavy heart, Sia watched as he turned and walked away, leaving her alone with her tears and unanswered questions.

Any guesses what's happening here ?

I hope you all are enjoying reading this book do votes comments and follow your auther 😊

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