chapter 6

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Ummmm, tha… Thank you so much, M. Mr. Kim, for letting my daughter Jaemi win the first prize in the speech compilation."

Sia heard a woman moaning. But what gained her attention was the thing she said, which made her root for her place. Sia stood there in utter shock. She couldn't move an inch of her body after hearing that statement. but there was more to reveal.

She didn't hear anything from that man; only his grunting could be heard.

"My daughter is too stubborn. She really wanted to win this competition. I can't see her losing in anything she does."
"Thank  you so much for accepting my request and making her the winner."
Somi said.
"It's  my pleasure to help you, Mrs. Kang." After all, we are both doing favors for each other. Aren't we?"

This time, Sia heard that deep, manly voice, and he immediately recognized it. She has heard this voice.
It belonged to Kim Taehyung, the biggest business tycoon in the country.

Disgust crowled in her body, and her body was filled with extreme rage. Sia understood everything in their conversation. She was feeling various emotions inside her, one of which was hurt and anger.
She was hurt because Ji lost in this competition, even though he performed better than others, and angry because Ji had lost because of the selfishness of some people.
How can a person do this to an innocent child? How can a person stand so low? He decided to make Jaenj the winner just because her mother offered him her body.
Just because she helped him satisfy his needs, he made a deserving candidate lose.
Her heart was filled with extreme hatred for Taehyung. She fisted her palms in pure rage. At that moment, Sia decided to teach him and Somi a good lesson.
This Kim Taehyung was famous for being kind and gentlemen. He was well-known for his charity and his helping nature. For the world, he was the perfect example of a kind-hearted man, but Sia saw his real face.

He was a basterd, selfish person who didn't care about anything other than his needs. His true face was revealed in front of her. He was a cunning fox in the skin of a human.

People like him need to be exposed. The world should know their real face behind the mask of their good person.

At that moment, Sia did what she thought was the right thing.

Taking out her phone sia opened the camera . Opening the door slightly she peeped through it .
A terribly dirty and disgusting sight came in front of her eyes. There she saw somi and taehyung were fucking each other at the wall..both of them were half naked.  And lewd sound were coming from thier mouth. 
Sia recorded them doing this sinful activity.
The world should know about this side of taehyung too.. 
After taking a good amount of video Sia stopped recording and left that place .
She didn't want to even breath In a same air as them.
It was suffocating her.

Her heart was filled with disgust for someone. How could she cheat her husband like this? Didn't she feel an ounce of guilt for cheating on her husband, with whom she took vows to spend her entire life being loyal to him?
She doesn't know how people can cheat on their partners.
She would die rather than commit such a big sin.
She would never cheat on her husband. She can't even think of doing such sinful things if she knew.

Sia knew exactly what she had to do.

She came back to the makeup room in anger. Her mood was off. She didn't talk to anyone, not even Nat.
After preparing the kids for their performance, Sia went to the assembly hall along with the other teachers.

The program stared again, and the kid stared, performing one by one. Sia was standing on one side near the stage with other teachers. After half an hour, she saw Taehyung's coming in from the corridor where the store room was. He wasn't alone; someone was walking behind him.
Sia saw him walking towards his seat like a king.
She looked at him in pure anger and hate. She never hated men this much before. They both seemed like nothing happened between them.
Taehyung sat in his seat to see the performances.

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