Chapter 43

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Sia stood outside their bedroom, her heart pounding in her chest as she continuously banged on the door, desperate for Jungkook to open up. She could hear nothing but silence from the other side, and the fear gnawed at her insides. What could have happened to him to make him lock himself away like this?

"Jungkook, please open the door,"

 she pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion.

 "Please talk to me, at least tell me what happened."

But there was no response, only the echo of her own desperate cries. Helplessly, she sank to the floor outside the door, her mind racing with worry and confusion.

Just then, her phone rang, and she glanced at the screen to see Natasha's name flashing. Sia's confusion deepened. Why was Natasha calling her now? Wiping away her tears, Sia hesitated for a moment before deciding to ignore the call. She couldn't bring herself to speak to anyone in her current state of mind.

But the phone rang again, drawing her attention once more. With a heavy sigh, Sia answered, intending to tell Natasha that she wasn't in the right frame of mind to talk.

"Natasha, I'll call you later, I'm not—" Sia began, her voice catching in her throat when Natasha interrupted her.

"Sia... You should check the news," 

Natasha said, her voice trembling with urgency.

Sia's initial reaction was one of anger. Here she was, worried sick about her husband, and Natasha was telling her to watch the news? But before she could unleash her frustration, Natasha's panicked voice cut through her anger.

"Sia, please don't say anything. Just check the news," 

Natasha pleaded, her urgency sending a shiver down Sia's spine.

The familiar feeling of dread washed over Sia once again, her stomach twisting with fear.

 "Natasha, what happened?" 

she asked, her worry evident in her voice as she waited for Natasha to respond.

"You will get to know, Sia," 

Natasha replied cryptically before abruptly ending the call.

Left with more questions than answers, Sia's mind raced with possibilities, each more terrifying than the last. With trembling hands, she unlocked her phone and opened the news app, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared herself for whatever dreadful news awaited her.

Sia's hands trembled as she made her way into the hall where the TV stood. With a shaky breath, she reached out and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels until she found a news broadcast. Her heart pounded in her chest as she braced herself for whatever Natasha had warned her about.

As the screen flickered to life, Sia's breath caught in her throat, and her blood ran cold. There, in vivid detail, was the video of her and Taehyung, intimate moments captured for the world to see. It was the same video that taehyung had recorded which was filmed in way showing sia was enjoying those moments which was completely lie.

The room spun around her, and she felt as though the ground had dropped out from beneath her.

In a panic, she changed the channel, hoping it was some cruel mistake, but on every screen, the same scene played out, her humiliation broadcasted for all to witness. Alongside the video were headlines, each more damning than the last.

"The Scandalous Affair of the Kim Heir's Alleged Mistress," 

blared one headline, while another screamed, 

"Jeon Sia's Shame: A Teacher's Betrayal."

The news anchors dissected every aspect of the scandal, speculating about Sia's motives and questioning her integrity. 

"Is it Lust or Love? The Mystery of Jeon Sia's Relationship with Taehyung," 

read one headline, while another pondered,

 "A Woman of Virtue or Vice? Unraveling the Enigma of Jeon Sia."

Sia's eyes welled with tears as she watched her life unravel before her eyes. The headlines continued to flash across the screen, each one a dagger to her already shattered heart.

"The Fall of a Virtuous Woman: Jeon Sia's Descent into Infamy," 

proclaimed one, while another declared,

"Sia's Betrayal: A Wife's Shameful Secret Revealed."

Her hands shook as she reached for the remote, desperately trying to silence the onslaught of accusations and judgment. But there was no escape from the harsh reality unfolding before her. Her dignity lay in tatters, her reputation destroyed by the merciless glare of the media spotlight.

Sia's soul felt as though it had been ripped from her body, leaving her empty and hollow as she stared numbly at the screen. In an instant, her entire world had crumbled to dust, and there was nothing left but the suffocating weight of shame and regret.

As Sia's eyes scanned the screen, the harsh glare of the headlines seared into her consciousness, each word echoing in her mind like a relentless mantra, amplifying her sense of shame and despair.

"Jeon Sia's Shame: A Teacher's Betrayal."

"Sia's Betrayal: A Wife's Shameful Secret Revealed."

"Teacher's Betrayal: Jeon Sia's Double Life Unveiled."

The weight of those words felt like a physical blow, knocking the breath from her lungs as she crumpled to the floor, the cold tiles chilling her skin beneath her trembling body. Tears streamed down her face unchecked, blurring her vision but doing nothing to ease the torment raging within her.

The sound of her own anguished scream filled the room, reverberating off the walls and adding to the suffocating sense of isolation that enveloped her. It was a primal sound, raw and guttural, a desperate plea for the pain to stop, for the world to just pause for a moment and let her catch her breath.

But there was no reprieve, no respite from the relentless assault on her dignity and her sense of self. She felt exposed, vulnerable, as if the eyes of the world were boring into her, dissecting her every flaw and failing with ruthless precision.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the comfortable life she had built for herself, not the love and support of her friends and family, not even the whispered promises of redemption that echoed in the darkest corners of her mind. All that remained was the crushing weight of her own inadequacy, the bitter taste of betrayal souring the air around her.

And as the echoes of her torment faded into the silence, leaving only the hollow emptiness of her shattered spirit behind, she knew that life would never be the same again. For better or for worse, she was irrevocably changed, her innocence lost to the unforgiving glare of the spotlight.

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