chapter 42

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As Jungkook's college day concluded, he made his way to the bus stop as usual. The routine comforted him, the familiar sights and sounds grounding him after a long day of classes. However, today felt different. There was an unusual quietness in the air, an absence of the usual chatter and activity at the stop.

Jungkook glanced at his watch, noting that the bus was running late. He tapped his foot impatiently, checking his phone for any updates on the bus schedule. But there was nothing. Just the persistent silence of the deserted bus stop.

Time passed slowly, and Jungkook's unease grew with each passing minute. He considered calling for a cab but hesitated, hoping the bus would arrive soon.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a cab pulled up beside him. The driver leaned out of the window, offering help.

"Hey there, looks like you've been waiting a while. Need a ride?"

Jungkook looked at him and said

"I'm waiting for the bus, but it's late today."

Driver informed him about the strikes of the bus which made jungkook realise why today no bus was there .

"Ah, yeah, the buses are on strike. No service today. Hop in, I can take you wherever you need to go."

Jungkook weighed his options, uncertain about accepting a ride from a stranger. But with no sign of the bus and the driver's reassurance, he relented.

"Thanks, I guess I have no other choice."

As he settled into the backseat of the cab, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension.

As the driver started the car, Jungkook leaned back in his seat, feeling the exhaust fumes infiltrate his senses. He closed his eyes momentarily, trying to block out the unpleasant smell, when he heard the driver's voice calling out to him.

"Sir, what's your address?"

the driver asked, a hint of impatience in his tone.

Jungkook's eyes snapped open, realizing he had completely forgotten to provide his address. He smiled awkwardly at the driver and quickly rattled off his address, hoping he hadn't inconvenienced the driver too much.

"Sorry about that,"

Jungkook apologized sheepishly.

The driver waved it off with a friendly grin. "No worries, happens all the time. We'll get you there in no time."

As the car pulled away from the curb, the driver struck up a conversation, asking Jungkook about his work and other interests. Jungkook found himself drawn into the conversation, pleasantly surprised by the driver's easygoing demeanor.

"Yeah, I'm professor"

Jungkook replied, settling into the conversation.

"It can be pretty hectic at times, but I enjoy my work."

The driver nodded, showing genuine interest in Jungkook's life.
As they continued chatting, the driver reached into his bag and pulled out a small package of cookies.

"Hey, want some cookies?"

he offered, holding out the package to Jungkook.

At first, Jungkook hesitated, unsure about accepting food from a stranger. But seeing the genuine kindness in the driver's eyes, he relented and took a cookie, thanking the driver with a grateful smile.

"Thanks, that's really kind of you,"

Jungkook said, munching on the cookie.

"These are delicious."

The driver chuckled, pleased by Jungkook's response

. "Glad you like them. My wife makes the best cookies."

As they continued to share stories and snacks, the car hummed along the streets, the cityscape passing by in a blur of lights and shadows. Despite the initial hiccup, Jungkook found himself enjoying the ride, grateful for the unexpected company and warmth of a stranger's kindness.

As Jungkook nibbled on the cookies, enjoying their sweet taste, he suddenly felt a strange heaviness settle over him. His head began to throb, and his vision blurred as if someone had smeared Vaseline over his eyes. Panic shot through him as he realized something was terribly wrong.

But before he could comprehend the situation or even reach out to the driver for help, a heavy lethargy washed over him, dragging him down into the depths of unconsciousness. His eyelids grew heavier by the second until they finally succumbed to the irresistible pull of darkness, sealing shut and plunging him into oblivion.

In the front seat, the driver smirked, a sinister gleam in his eyes as he glanced at Jungkook through the rearview mirror. With a cold chuckle, he realized his plan had worked perfectly.

"Sweet dreams," he muttered under his breath, his lips curling into a malicious grin.

As Jungkook slumped unconscious in the backseat, the driver continued driving, his destination clear in his mind. The streets passed by in a blur, the city lights casting eerie shadows across the car as it made its way towards its sinister end. The night seemed to hold its breath, unaware of the darkness that lurked within the confines of the vehicle.


Jungkook slowly blinked his eyes open, the familiar surroundings of the park greeted him. Panic surged through him as he realized he was sprawled out on a bench, the sounds of children playing nearby echoing in his ears. Disoriented and groggy, he struggled to piece together the events of the previous night.

The memories flooded back in disjointed fragments, leaving him with more questions than answers. How had he ended up here, in the park near his house? His heart raced with a mixture of confusion and fear as he frantically checked his belongings, relieved to find everything intact, including his wallet and money.

A cold shiver ran down his spine as he considered the possibility that the driver of the cab had nefarious intentions. Could he have been drugged or robbed? But try as he might, Jungkook couldn't recall anything beyond getting into the cab.

Frustration gnawed at him as he weighed his options. Reporting the incident to the police seemed futile without any concrete evidence or memory of what transpired. With a heavy sigh, he resolved to put it behind him for now and focus on getting home.

As he reached for his phone to check the time, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. It was almost afternoon , and he realized with a pang of guilt that Sia, his wife, must have been worried sick about him.

Jungkook's brows furrowed in confusion as he scrolled through his phone, his fingers trembling slightly with apprehension. The sight of numerous missed calls from his parents sent a wave of unease coursing through him. Why had they called him so many times? What could possibly be so urgent?

With a shaky breath, he selected his mother's number and pressed the call button, the suspense weighing heavily on him as the phone rang. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, his mother's voice filled his ears, thick with worry and concern.

"Jungkook, thank goodness you called! Are you okay? "

his mother exclaimed, her voice quivering with emotion.

His heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to find his voice, his throat dry with fear.

"Mom, what's wrong? Why did you call so many times?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, broken only by the sound of his mother's ragged breathing. And then, in a voice filled with pain she delivered the news that would shatter Jungkook's world.

Jungkook felt as though the ground had been ripped out from beneath him, leaving him suspended in a void of shock and disbelief. The world seemed to spin around him, colors blurring into a chaotic whirlwind as he struggled to process the devastating news.

With a heavy heart and trembling hands, Jungkook ended the call walking straight to his house like a corpse.

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