chapter 20

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" I'm giving you 24 hours sia either return all the money you took from me or"

Sia looked at him waiting for him to complete his words.  Her ocean blue eyes filled with some kind of fear , her heart beating in anticipation of something bad going to happen.  Sia cleanched her nighty tight in fear as she saw his eyes darkened eyeing her figure with something evil glint radiating through it.

Taehyung looked at her slightly quivering form . Her doe like eyes looking at him with fear gave him some kind of satisfaction. Her eyes he could tell she has most beautiful eyes he has ever seen .  He was Captivated by those ocean blue sphares the day he saw her first time in that annual function. She was looking at him with glares those eyes sparkling in rage her face showing disgust .
Those eyes which were like a burning inferno that he would be glad to burn into the intensity of those orbs .

But tonight those same eye looking at him filled with terror satisfied his inner self . As if it boost his male ego .. A devious smirk plastered on his face as he bend slightly to her level . His eyes scanned her features and landed on those lucious lips , his mouth watering remembering that lustful night when he had captured those petals it felt so soft and juicy and not to forget the way she tasted. He had fucked many women but no one could even come close to feel that sweet the way she tasted.

His eyes darkened even more remember that each and every single moment of that sinful night he had spent engulfing in her warmth. A sudden heat crawling inside his body as he felt twitching inside his pants .

Fuck. He was hard.

Extreamly hard and needy for her body.

He wouldn't deny but when the door opened the first thing his eyes fell on was her.and there he lost his fucking senses.. donning in that silk white nighty reaching below her knees her silky black hair falling freely on her neck and shoulder reaching till her waist and her doe eyes widened in sudden immense fear seeing him .

She was looking enchanting, a seductive goddess . Even without doing anything she was successful to catch his attention..he was smitten by her. 

Sia tried to take step back sensing ther proximity..his hot breath Falling over her lips making her body feel puke in disgust but before she could even take step back she felt his hand being wrapped around her waist and her body jurked violently with great force and collided over his hard one..

He caged her into his arms tightly . His eyes darkened when he found her taking her steps back in fear and disgust.  Rage filling inside him like a burning lava. He didn't like it. He didn't like the disgust reflecting in those captivating eyes for him. He didn't like when her soothing warmth fading away from himself. He wanted to bask into her warmth and breath into her intoxicated essense..

Holding her tightly his mesmerizing grey orbs peered deeply into her scared once threatening her to take step back. Increasing her horror. His breath getting heavier..
He moved his face closer to her ear sniffing the devine fragrance . A unique blend of French roses and vanilla.  His eyes closed in bliss. 

Taehyung opened his eyes with reluctance and whispered into her ear in slowly yet sensually.

" Or be my slave , please me whenever and however I want. "

He breathed into her ear.. and found her body went stiff in his hold. 

Sia on other hand found herself going still hearing his words. She felt like she heard something wrong.  He didn't say those words. She didn't want to believe those words. It must be her delusion. He wasn't here nor ahe heard those venomous, horrified words . It was just a bad dream .
Her vision blurred as warm tears accumulated into her oceanic orbs .

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