chapter 35

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Taehyung stood beside the bed, his eyes fixed on Sia's unconscious form. Her stillness seemed to fill the room, each breath she took a reminder of his own guilt. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, his mind replaying the moment his hand struck her head with a force he hadn't realized he possessed.

As he observed Sia's features, her face appeared pale against the stark white of the hospital room. The bandage wrapped around her head stood out, a stark contrast to her usually vibrant appearance. Taehyung's heart sank as he took in the sight, realizing the extent of the damage he had caused.

Regret gnawed at him, twisting his insides as he grappled with the consequences of his actions. He had never intended to hurt Sia, yet here she lay, injured because of him. The weight of his mistake pressed down on him, suffocating him with its intensity.

Without wasting another moment, Taehyung reached for his phone, his fingers trembling as he dialed the doctor's number. The urgency in his voice conveyed the gravity of the situation, and the doctor wasted no time in arriving.

As the doctor tended to Sia's injuries, Taehyung hovered nearby, his anxiety palpable in the air. He watched intently as the doctor worked, a silent plea for forgiveness echoing in his mind with each passing moment. Though the doctor assured him that Sia's injury was not severe, the sight of her lying unconscious filled Taehyung with a sense of responsibility he couldn't shake.

Once the doctor had finished treating Sia, he left the room, leaving Taehyung alone with his thoughts. Guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders as he sat beside her bed, the reality of his actions sinking in with each passing second. He knew he had to make amends, but the path to redemption seemed daunting and uncertain.

, Taehyung's eyes bore into Sia's unconscious form with an intensity that seemed to pierce through her very soul. To him, there was no question of letting her go. She belonged to him, completely and utterly. From the moment she had surrendered herself to him, she had woven her essence into his being, binding them together in a tangled web of desire and obsession.

He couldn't deny the intoxicating hold she had over him, the way her presence filled every corner of his mind and consumed his thoughts. Taehyung had never expected to become so utterly addicted to her, but now that he was, there was no turning back. She had become his drug, his salvation, his downfall.

As he gazed upon her unconscious form, a sense of possessiveness washed over him, fueling the flames of his obsession. Sia had ignited something primal within him, something he couldn't control or ignore. She had become his new addiction, a lethal fixation that consumed his every waking moment.

The thought of letting her slip through his fingers was unfathomable to Taehyung. She was his to command, to mold, to possess. She would bend to his will, soothing the demons he couldn't tame on his own, quenching the insatiable thirst he felt for her.

There was no room for negotiation in Taehyung's mind. Sia would spend her life with him, whether she liked it or not. He was willing to go to any lengths to ensure that she remained by his side, even if it meant resorting to his darkest and most twisted methods.

For Taehyung, there was only one truth: he wanted her, needed her, with a desperation that bordered on madness. And he would stop at nothing to make her his, body and soul, forevermore.

As Sia slowly regained consciousness, her senses began to awaken to the unfamiliar surroundings of the room. The brightness of the light pierced through her eyelids as her eyes fluttered open, revealing a room she didn't recognize. Panic surged through her veins like an electric shock, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

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