Chapter 18

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The harsh fluorescent lights in the hospital room cast a cold, unforgiving glow. jungkook  lies in the hospital bed, the bandages on his face and arms a stark reminder of the brutal beating he endured. Sia, her face etched with concern and love, perches at his bedside, her fingers tightly clutching the bedsheets. Jungkook looked at sia his eyes held various emotions , happiness, fear , and guilt was flickering in his inside as he saw her sitting in front of him . 

Whereas sia for her ,  her heart was beating with unsetting speed as she looked at her husband, seeing him fine , sitting infront of her , the person for whom she went through everything, her love for him was infinite never ending,her emotions were visible on her face her happiness reflected in her eyes as they shone , brighter than the light, she looked at him with her uttermost love , no words exchanged between them as they continued to look at each other with thier various emotions. 

Finally mustering up some courage sia unsealed her quivering lips .

" Y….yyou s…scared…me "

She uttered, tears rolled down her eyes as she lose control of her overwhelming emotions. Jungkook looked at her , guilt washed over his heart as he saw her tearing up like a kid . Which made his eyes watery too. He was feeling extreme guilt even after his past behaviour she was still here for him.  Her care her love for him was same . All the past events flashed in front of his eyes , the hurt he caused to her , she went through so much because of him his distance towards her , his rage , his ignorance she beared everything without saying a word yet her love for him never faded .. unable to control himself jungkook leaned towards Sia taking her into tight hug making her breath hitched, her eyes widened in surprise , sia stilled in his embrace unable to process anything but when she did . She didn't waste time to cage him back into her arms. 

Her petite figure felt extremely tiny in his muscular physique though he had lose some weight in these days but the man was still giant in front of her.  Her heavenly fragrance hit his nostrils makeup him close his eyes in pure bliss . She smells divine.  

He felt her soothing warmth engulfing him.

Tightening his hold around her more as if she would disappear if he leaves her .  Sia too felt his tightening his hold around her making her heart flatter like a bird in joy. More tears streamed down her eyes.

" Y …you don't k…know how much you scared me Jungkook.. I ….I thought I lost you . I would be never able to see you . How i spent those days . Praying for your recovery. " 

Sia cried in his embrace, 

Jungkook's eyes welled up with more tears hearing her. 

" I'm sorry sia . I'm sorry for everything"

The words came out of his mouth as he was unable to control himself. He felt extremely guilty for his past behaviour towards her. Though she didn't want to but reluctantly sia parted away from him . His eyes were already on her filled with tears as guilt flashing in his eyes . Bringing her hand to his face sia wiped those transperant glistening tears from his cheeks. She shoke her head . Telling him to not to apologise. 

" I need to apologise sia , I know how much I heart you in past one year.  I should have never ignored you . I didn't want to but believe me I was going through so much at that time.  It was so stressful and difficult for me I couldn't even share with you what I was going through. Trust me sia I had my reasons for behaving like that it was not intentional."

Jungkook spoke as his voice sounded heavy filled with extreme guilt. Sia attentively litsned his each word. Her brows creased in curiosity. Her face softnes as she took his hand in hers . 

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