chapter 12🔞

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This chapter contains some smut,.
If you are not comfortable then kindly skip the chapter

As soon as Sia moved her lips as per his demand, Taehyung lost every ounce of his  control and started kissing her fiercely, like he had been starving for ages. With intensity, he was kissing her. A shiver ran down her body. If he was kissing her with this aggression, then what would happen to her body? The mere thought shivered her soul. Sia closed her eyes in pain and humiliation. Licking her lips, he bit her bottom lip, drawing out blood from it. They both could taste the metallic taste of blood in each other's mouths.

His hands started roaming all over her body, feeling her every curve and pressing on it with his large palms. He pinched on her waist painfully, making her hiss in pain and making him enter his tongue into her mouth. His tongue sensually gilded inside her mouth, colliding with her tough.Soon again, it turned into a dominating kiss, where his skillful tongue danced in her mouth. He pushed her tongue with his to show his dominance. Sia couldn't help but let him have his way with her; after all, she herself gave him permission to use her body. She has sold herself to him. He was bound to do anything with her. After all, he has brought her money like an object. His torment in her mouth continued until he felt himself and her running out of breath.

Pulling his face away from her, followed by a trail of saliva that was connected to their lips, he looked at her, who had her eyes closed in shame. He didn't say anything but stared at her face. Tears were continuously flowing down her eyes, mixing in her lips, and somehow it felt errotic to him. Dipping his lips into her face again, he tasted her tears on her cheeks, making Sia cry in disgust. Sia didn't open her eyes, as she didn't want to witness him using her body like an object.

Grabbing her waist, he pulled her body impossibly closer to him. Her naked flush touched his clothed body. Sia could do nothing to stop him. Biting her lips hard, he moved away, and Sia flet her face closer to her ear. Grazing his lips on her ear, he bit her ear slowly yet sensually. His teeth nibbled her ear before he dipped his head into the crook of her neck. His sharp incisors dug into her soft flesh like an animal, drawing out cries of pain from her. Her smell drove him crazy, making him lose his sanity, and he bit her skin barbarically.

"I promise I will make this night unforgivable for you, mi pequeno (little one)," he whispered into her ears. Sia shuddered upon hearing his venomous words. His hot breath fanned on her exposed skin, making her feel tingles.

He traveled his hand into her silky locks before clutching them into a tight fist and yanking her face up. His lust-filled eyes scanned her whole body shamelessly and stayed at the particular places on her two swells, which were moving up and down due to her uneven breaths, and on her treasure. An evil smirk played on his lips.

Clutching her arm in his large palm, he dragged her naked body behind him towards the bed inhumanely, as if she were some kind of animal whom he was taking to slaughter. He threw her body harshly on the bed. Sia bounced on the bed, which added more humiliation to her.

Opening his cufflinks, his hawk eyes stared at her lying figure, who was trying to sit on her butt by keeping her legs closer to her chest, trying to cover herself as much as possible. He smirked at her futile attempt to hide her nudity, as if he had not seen her naked a few minutes ago and was not going to ravish her body tonight however he wanted. Opening his shirt buttons one by one slowly was deliberately extending her torture. He knew she wanted to get out of this as soon as possible, but he would not let her go that easily.

Taehyung got on the bed and started crawling towards her like a predator who was on a hunt, and like a scared lamb, Sia pushed her body more into the bed. A sudden gasp left her mouth when he grabbed her one leg and slid her body under him. Sia opened her tears-filled eyes only to find him looking at her with that evilness on his face. His face was void of any emotion, and his eyes bore holes into her eyes. Not wanting to look at his face, Sia turned her face to the other side, widening his iniquitous smirk more. He knows how much she must be hating him right now. She didn't want to see his face right now.

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