Chapter 45

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As Jungkook cast a doubtful glance at Sia, her heart shattered into a million pieces. She could read the skepticism in his eyes, and it stung deeply. But she understood why he questioned the paternity of their unborn child.

Sia felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she recalled the torment she endured at the hands of Taehyung. She remembered every painful encounter, every moment of violation, and every instance of coercion. Despite her best efforts to prevent it, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that lingered in the back of her mind.

Reflecting on her past, Sia realized the lengths she went to avoid getting pregnant by Taehyung. She meticulously took birth control pills, even under duress, ensuring she didn't conceive his child. But with Jungkook, it was different. Their night together was born out of love, not fear. She felt safe, cherished, and free from the shackles of Taehyung's darkness.

As tears welled up in her eyes, Sia thought about the depth of her love for Jungkook. She would move mountains for him, endure any hardship, and sacrifice everything to protect their love. And even though he doubted her now, she knew with every fiber of her being that their baby was his.

As Sia's voice echoed softly through the room, a tremor of vulnerability underscored her words. Tears welled in her eyes, reflecting the pain etched within her. Jungkook's gaze softened, his heart aching at the sight of her distress. Though he wrestled with his own turmoil, her anguish touched a chord within him.

"Sia..." Jungkook's voice trailed off, his throat tight with emotion.

Sia's voice quivered as she spoke, each word laden with sorrow. She acknowledged Jungkook's doubts, understanding the weight of his suspicions. Jungkook remained silent, his expression guarded as he absorbed her words.

"I know you must wonder if this child is truly yours,"

Sia murmured, her voice cracking with emotion.

"And I can't blame you for that."

Her tear-streaked face bore the weight of her plea as she implored Jungkook to trust her. With trembling hands, she swore on their unborn child, her desperation palpable.

“But please believe me this time jungkook, this child growing inside me is yours. It's only your jungkook. Please believe me. I know I did great mistake by hiding everything from you jungkook but please believe me on this .. i swear on my unborn child this child is ours “

Jungkook's heart clenched as he watched Sia break down before him. Her raw vulnerability pierced through his defenses, stirring a tumult of emotions within him. Could he find it in himself to forgive her, to believe in their love once more?

Jungkook's words hung heavy in the air. His voice, laden with anguish, pierced through the silence like a dagger. Sia's heart clenched at the pain etched in his features, her own sorrow mirrored in his eyes.


Jungkook's voice was barely a whisper, filled with a raw agony that echoed through the room.

"Why did you do this, Sia? Why did you betray me?"

His words reverberated around them, each syllable laced with the torment of betrayal. Sia's heart shattered at the sound of his broken voice, the weight of his pain crushing her soul.

Tears welled in Sia's eyes as she lifted her gaze to meet his, her expression a mosaic of sorrow and regret. She longed to ease his suffering, to erase the scars of her betrayal, but the words caught in her throat.

Jungkook's voice faltered as he struggled to voice the depths of his anguish.

"Was it because I wasn't rich enough? Because I couldn't satisfy..."

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