chapter 9

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The loud voice of car horns hit her ears making her sleep disturbed . She wiggled in her sleep in discomfort as the coldness of cold foor touched her exposed arms and legs. She was wearing the knee length dress ..with a short sleeves. Again the loud honking piercing through her ears making her finally open her eyes. Sia opened her eyes Fully and very strange she found herself in her leaving room of thier house. That too on floor.

Sia sat up immediately and looked around and her eyes widened seeing the main door opened ajar and she slept like this but how come she landed here . How can jungkook let her sleep on the cold floor and not wake her up from here . That's when her eyes widened remembering about the last night. They had little argument last night and he left the house in anger.

After he left the house Sia sat on floor crying that'when she must have slept on here and even forgot to lock the door.
Getting up the first thing came to her mind was jungkook.. where is he ?

One thing she knows that he is not at home otherwise she wouldn't be sleeping on the floor.. he would have wake her up seeing her sleeping on the cold floor. Then where is he .? He left the house in anger . He must be alright? Concern filled she looked for her phone which was lying on the sofa. Getting her phone she dialled his number but got no response..

She tried for almost ten times but still no response from his side..and this things made sia worry. Fear of somthing happening to him started eating her mind.. it's been hour's since he left the house and he was not even answering her calls. Bitting her nails in anxiety she tried once again in hope of hearing his voice but all she got was disappointment. Why was he not answering her calls? Is he still angry on her ? They can slove this issue talking like an grown up adults . Why is he behaving like this? Sia was worried for him . She looked at the call and found it was past elevn in the morning. And he has been out since the evening.

Sia decided to call him after some time Maybe he was anger at her and didn't want to talk to her that's why he didn't respond to her calls. Maybe he will come home after rise anger lessened. With that'sia went to freshen up.

After talking a bath sia came down. It was already past noon . She didn't cook anything as she had no appetite. How can she when her husband is not at home..she didn't even know whether he ate anything or not. She decided to wait for much as she was scared for him the anger inside her was rising with each passing sceond. How can he be this careless. How can he not answer her calls. Does he even forget that he has a person in his house who must be worried for him .? This time sia would not spare him . Enough of his careless attitude. She would make him realise that he has wife at home. Who is worried for him..

Night fell and there was no sign from Jungkook. And sia's condition was worst. Fear was eating her. She was now scared. It's been hours and he didn't come to house. She even lost the count how many times she called him . In anxiety sia called her friend Natasha who picked the call in first ring.

" Sia "

Nat called her name.

" Nat..j.. jungkook he didn't come home from last night. I'm getting.. scared what S...something happened to him . I can't even reach his number. It's switched off"

Sia blurted oue in all panicked. Nat didn't get anything she asked her to tell everything clear.

" Sia calm down first. I'm not getting anything. Tell me everything from Start."

Nat said. Sia told her everything in detail which make nat worried to as it's almost Twenty four hours since he was missing and he didn't even answer her calls. But she didn't show her fear to sia. Sighing she spoke..

" Sia don't be scared. He must be alright. Must be mad at you that's why he is not answering your calls "

" But it's almost Twenty four hours "

" Sia I know he has been Missing and it's almost a Twenty four hours..maybe he must be with one of his friends and decided to stay with them until his anger fades .did you try to call his friends and parents.?"

Nat asked making her friend calm down.

" No ..."

Sia replied in between her cries she was on the verge of tearing up.

" sia try to call all his friends and ask if he is with them or do they know where he could be okay . I'm coming to your house don't panick he must be alright."

Giving assurance to her friend Natasha cut the call and decided to got to her house. Her best friend need her at that time and she should help her.

Sia didn as natash told her. She called his all the friends she knew and even his parents but no one knew where he was which was adding her fear more.. her husband didn't come home since yesterday night and she didn't know what to do.

By the time Natasha came to her house but she was started seeing the condition of her friend. She was looking devasted her hair was messy not even combed properly.. tears were streaming down her eyes .. she was pacing around the hall here and there bitting her nails.

" Sia "

Natasha called her to get her attention sia turned around only to find Natasha standing at the door with worried expression. Seeing her sia ran towards her hugging her tightly. ..nat rubbed her back in protecting manner.

" Nat he..he didn't come to home since last night...I...I even called his each and every friend but no one knows where he is .. whre he could be ? How is he I don't know anything. What if something happened to him . What should I do nat . scared"

Sia cried in her embrace . She needed someone to lean her head. She wanted to let all her fear out . She wanted to hold someone and nat was a true friend.

Parting away . Natasha wiped her tears.

" Don't cry sia . I know how you must be feeling right now. Sia I think we should complain to police about this since it's been more than twenty four hours and jungkook hasn't come back we should take this matter to police. "

Natasha suggested making Sia petrified . Fear of somthing happening to her husband was increasing now . Nodding to natsa sia decided to seek police help .
Sia and nat both were read to go to the police station. Sia was about to step out of the house when her phone rang. Immediately taking her phone sia looked at the number which was unknown.

Sia didn't know but heartbeat accelerated the moment her phone rang. Unknown fear rushed through her body making the goosebumps rose all over her skin. Sia shivers in fear as her blood turned cold..

Shrugging all the negetive thought sia swiped the green button. Taking the phone to her ear with her shaking hands Sia heard an unknown voice.

" Hello I'm I talking to mrs Jeon"

" Y..yes "
Sia replied in shaking voice .

But the phone fell down on the floor when she heard the man speaking. Natasha looked at sia with her worried and wide eyes . Coming closer to her Natasha asked Sia what happened.

" Sia what happened. Who was it .and what did he tell"

But a scream left from her mouth seeing sia falling lifelessly on the floor.

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