chapter 47

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Inside their cozy home, Sia sat engrossed in the television's glow, while Jungkook nestled in an armchair, absorbed in a book on parenting. The atmosphere was tranquil, a peaceful respite from the chaos of the outside world.

Suddenly, the shrill ring of the doorbell pierced the quietude, jolting them from their reverie. Jungkook's brows furrowed in curiosity as he rose from his seat, his steps measured and purposeful as he approached the door.

Upon swinging it open, his expression shifted to one of mild surprise, tinged with a hint of apprehension, upon seeing the unexpected visitor on their doorstep.

"How may I help you?"

Jungkook inquired, his tone polite yet guarded, his gaze assessing the woman standing before him.

"I want to meet Sia, it's urgent,"

the woman replied, her voice tinged with urgency, her eyes searching Jungkook's face for a sign of acquiescence. Giving her a small nod jungkook led her inside.

As the woman stepped inside, Jungkook guided her into the living room where Sia was absorbed in the TV program. The woman's gaze softened as she beheld Sia, a flicker of warmth crossing her features. With a gentle whisper of Sia's name, she caught her attention.

"Sia, we have a visitor,"

Jungkook announced, his voice breaking Sia's concentration. Startled, Sia rose from the sofa, her movements slightly unsteady. In her haste, she stumbled, prompting a sharp intake of breath from Jungkook.

"Easy, Sia. Remember you're pregnant,"

he scolded gently, his concern evident in his tone as he rushed to her side, steadying her with a protective arm.

"I'm fine,"

Sia assured him, though her expression betrayed a hint of discomfort.

Turning her attention to the visitor, Sia's eyes widened in disbelief.

"She wants to meet you,"

Jungkook informed her, his own confusion mirroring hers.

"Why are you here?"

Sia questioned, her tone laced with sternness, unable to mask the distrust and resentment simmering beneath the surface. Despite her best efforts to remain composed, the wounds inflicted by her son's actions left her guarded and wary, making it difficult to extend the courtesy of politeness to the unexpected guest.

As tension hung heavy in the air, Jungkook couldn't help but sense the palpable unease between the two women. Sensing the need to diffuse the tension, he turned to Sia, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Sia, who is she?"

he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity and apprehension.

Sia met Jungkook's gaze with a solemn expression, her eyes betraying a mixture of emotions.

"She's Taehyung's mother,"

she replied quietly, her voice tinged with resignation.

Jungkook's shock was evident as he processed Sia's revelation. Taehyung's mother? What could she possibly want? Why was she here? Questions swirled in his mind, his confusion mounting with each passing moment.

"Why is she here?"

Jungkook asked, his voice laced with uncertainty as he struggled to comprehend the woman's unexpected presence in their home.

Sia's response was measured, her tone reflective of the complex emotions swirling within her. "I'm not sure," she admitted, her words tinged with a sense of wariness. The mere presence of Taehyung's mother brought forth a flood of memories and emotions, dredging up painful reminders of the betrayal and deception that had shattered her world.

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