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" I'll talk to you later, I think Sia has come ."

With that he hang up the call before standing near the window. Soon a small gentle spets echoed in the hall gaining his attention confining that his wife has already came inside the House.

Turning around he saw her walking inside with tired look on her face . Her shoulder slumped down , her tied into messy bun. She kept her bag on the table but her eyes sparkled in shine when she saw her husband was standing infront of her with small smile tugged on his lips .

So he was waiting for her she thought.

" Hey "

Sia said while walking inside.

" How was your day?"

Jungkook asked her casually .

" It was tiring as always dealing with sixty seventy children at the time is not simple task you know"

Sia said chuckling. Jungkook Laughed at her statement . It was indeed true .

" Go freshen up I'll set the luch  "
Jungkook announced going inside the kitchen.

Sia walked out of the thier shared bedroom after getting fresh and headed towards the dinning room. She saw her husband was serving the food engrossed in his work completely unaware of her presence.

A small smile adorned her lips seeing his efforts. He was a true gentleman. She admired him standing there folding her hands on her chest .

" Sia why are you standing there , come fast otherwise the food will get cool"

He said whe he rose his head only to find her standing there. Sia come out of her reverie when she heard his voice nodding at him she went towards the dinning table.

Sitting on the chair jungkook server her and himself.

" You know what you are spoiling your wife mr.jeon "

Sia said smiling at him . Sia started to eat she took Frist bite of her morsel and her face srunchhed in discomfort as the food was little salty .

She knew he wasn't good at cooking. Yet he was trying. Sia appreciated his efforts.
Quitened Sia started to eat . When she heard him sighing in frustration.

" I messed up again ! The rice is little salty Sia why didn't you say anything! "

Jungkook aked her .

" It's ok jungkook it's not bad as you think it's still editable. We can mix some plain rice in it , the saltyness will be reduced."

Sia said adding some plain rice in his plate as well as hers .

" Jungkook you really don't have to cook the lunch and dinner . I already told you that I can manage"

Sia said .

" No Sia it's not okay . It would have been okay if we both were working we would have shared our work.but right now I don't have any job you go to work you bear all the expenses of our house . I don't like to put all the burden on your shoulder untill I get the job I can atleast do the household work to lesson your load "

Jungkook said his tone held little hint of disappointment. To explain her this thing again and again it felt like a insult to him to explain her that he is jobless.

Jungkook was a talented business lawyer . He was working in a very reputable law frim . He had everything respect, money but his licence got cancelled when someone accused him of taking a bribe from a powerful businessman to win his case.

Since that day he was jobless . He was not getting job anywhere because of the stain of bribe on his image he was trapped very bad as someone posted his pictures with that' businessman taking money from him.

" It's okay jungkook , don't be sad I'm sure soon they will know that you're not at fault someone had sabotaged you in this. I know you can't do such vile thing, I have seen you fighting for your clients and I must say you are vey smart and talented Lawyer, soon you will gain your position and your respect back . "

Large amount of guilt splashed over his body hearing her . His eyes lowered in shame as he lowered his head not wanting to meet the eye of his wife. Only he knows rhe truth what happened that day his one wrong decision ruined his life .

At night.

Sia entered inside the bedroom after doing her work..she saw him doing something on his laptop sitting on the chiar in the balcony.

A soft gentle wind blowed around making his fluffy hair fall on his face his doe eye coverd by his hair his sharp jaw set perfectly as he cleanched it little his many tattoed hands doing thier job on the device. The vains of his hands were full on display making her eys drool over it.

Not wanting to disturb him Sia got on the bed covering her body with soft duvet she settled on her side .

She roamed her hand on his side of bed longingly his strong minty cologne coverd her nostrils as his side held his essence.
Sighing heavily turned around  staring at the white celling .

Her mind clouded with various thoughts
It's been year to thier marriage and yet they didn't consumate it . She was too shy to confess but she wanted to take this marriage at next level but she was scared and shy to tell him .

Jungkook didn't initiated the things from his side . In this one year of marriage they didn't even kissed each other apart from thier wedding.

He was depressed in initial moths of their marriage because of that accusations on him. That was the toughest period of him and her.

She yearned for him. But he wasn't aware of that. Her tummy still felt that sweet tingles whenever he was around her. 

She loved him alot she wanted to show him the depth of her love that how much she loves him . She can do anything for him.

" Sleep Sia you have school tomorrow , you have to wake up at 4"

Sia came out of her thoughts when she heard his voice .  She saw him turning of the lights and setting on his site . His strong cologne again entered her nose making her calming her senses.  Humming in response she closed her eyes.

" By the way how's your annual day preparation going? I heard that this time the owner and CEO of Kim's was going to be chief guests. "

Jungkook asked Sia.

" It's going well, this time i have to prepare kids with thier speech and they are working hard . "

Replied Sia .

" When is the annual function?"

" It's going to be on next week . I have only seven days to prepare students"

Sia said while yawning. Soon the sleep engulfed her as she slept peacefully.

But sleep was far away from Jungkook's eyes. Various thoughts roaming inside his mind. He looked at Sia and his chest filled with immense guilt.

He knows he was doing very bad with her but he can't do anything about it . He knows how much she loves him , he has seen in her eyes but his heart doesn't feel the same for her . It will never will.

He knows he was doing crime by keeping her in shadow of happy marriage but his hands are tied with restraints. He would never be able to love her , his heart would never beat for her while the every beat of her heart is beats for him.

He was too ashemd too do this heinous thing to her ..he wanted to tell her everything to cast the curtains if lies he was waiting for right time.

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