chapter 39

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sia was getting anxious by each passing second. She was pacing in empty hall with worries etching on her face.
It was past 11 pm and jungkook had not came home . He comes home by 6 pm everyday but tonight it was 11 pm and there was no trace of him which made sia worried and scared.

Her inside was gripping with unknown fear.
She didn't know why but her mind clouded with unwanted negetive thoughts. Would he be fine ? Has something bad happened to him ? All the negetive things made home inside her mind.

Sia glanced at the clock and it read 11:30 half an hour has passed and still there was no trace of him . Tears of fear and worry welled up in her eyes.  She was on the verge of burst out in cries. She again took her phone and dialled his number it would be nth time she was calling him and as usual his number was out of reach . Goosebumps erupted on her skin in fear thing wore scenarios.

As Sia paced nervously inside the room, her worry weighing heavily on her shoulders, the sudden ringing of the doorbell brought a momentary pause to her anxious thoughts. Hope flickered in her heart as she hastily wiped away her tears and hurried towards the door. Perhaps her prayers had been answered, and Jungkook had finally returned home.

Though her anxiety lessened slightly at the sound of the doorbell, Sia couldn't shake off the pent-up frustration and worry that had consumed her while waiting for Jungkook. She had rehearsed in her mind the scolding she would give him for causing her so much concern, especially since his phone had been unreachable. He owed her an explanation and an apology.

With a determined expression, Sia prepared herself to unleash her faux anger upon Jungkook as she swung open the door. However, her resolve faltered, and her heart skipped a beat when she came face to face with the unexpected scene before her.

Shock and fear washed over her like a tidal wave, turning her face pale as her eyes took in the unsettling sight. Whatever relief she had felt at Jungkook's return evaporated instantly, replaced by a chilling sense of dread.

There he stood, Taehyung, a formidable figure exuding confidence and dominance. His attire, a brown peach shirt paired with matching pants, accentuated his imposing presence as he leaned casually against the wall. Arms folded across his chest, he exuded an air of authority that sent shivers down Sia's spine.

As Sia dared to lift her gaze to meet his, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of his eyes. There was a sinister gleam lurking within them, an unsettling darkness that sent a wave of fear coursing through her veins. His lips curved into a malevolent smirk, a cruel twist that seemed to mock her discomfort and instill a sense of dread within her.

With each step he took closer, Sia felt her breath hitch in her throat, her body frozen in place by an overwhelming sense of apprehension. Taehyung's presence loomed over her like a dark cloud, suffocating and suffusing the air with an ominous tension.

"Hello, Sia,"

his voice, dripping with venom, cut through the silence like a knife. The mere sound of it sent a chill down her spine, a stark reminder of the power he held over her, and the torment that awaited her in his grasp.

As Sia's eyes locked with Taehyung's, an instinctive urge to flee surged through her, but her limbs refused to obey. Frozen in place, she stood rooted to the spot, a sense of dread coiling in the pit of her stomach at the sight of him after weeks of absence. Memories of his abnormal behavior flooded her mind, each recollection intensifying her fear.

With each step Taehyung took into the room, the air grew heavy with apprehension, suffocating Sia's senses. The click of the door closing behind him echoed like a death knell, sealing her fate within the confines of the room. Wide-eyed and trembling, Sia watched in horror as he approached, his predatory gaze fixated on her like a hawk closing in on its prey.

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