chapter 33

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Taehyung stood before the mirror, the white towel snug around his waist, his bare torso glistening with water droplets under the sunlight's embrace. His hair, still damp, framed his features as he gazed at his reflection. There, on his once unblemished chest, were the faint marks of her nails, evidence of their passionate encounter. With a smirk playing on his lips, he traced the lines left by her on his skin, each scratch a testament to her resistance, her defiance.

For him, she was different. She had marked him in ways no one else had, no one ever dared to touch him, he never allowed any women to touch him during sex but in her case it's different. He wanted to be touched by her his body yearning for her sensual touches and despite her initial reluctance, he knew she would eventually succumb to him completely. Though the marks were not born of her pleasure, he found a thrill in the memory of their wildness together .

He knew that soon, she would be his in every sense of the world.

Taehyung found himself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, his father's words echoing in his mind like a relentless mantra. Marriage had never been a consideration for him; he relished his freedom, his independence. But now, his father's suggestion to marry Sia ignited a spark within him, a spark he couldn't ignore.

Sia was perfect,  Her beauty, her submissiveness, her obedience—all qualities that drew him in despite his initial reservations. She resisted him at first, but he knew deep down she would yield to him eventually. She had cast a spell on him, her allure intoxicating, impossible to resist.

Despite his attempts to distance himself from her, he found himself drawn to her like a moth to a flame. She was addictive, a drug he couldn't shake off. The intensity of his desire for her consumed him, leaving him willing to do anything to keep her by his side.

Even if it meant resorting to his darker, more ruthless side to ensure she remained his. The thought of losing her was unbearable, and he was determined to do whatever it took to make her his forever.

Taehyung's gaze softened as he observed Sia's peaceful sleeping form on the bed, her delicate features bathed in the morning light filtering through the curtains. Despite the late hour, she slept soundly, a testament to the exhaustion from their night together.

Glancing at the clock, he noted the time with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction. It was well past 10 in the morning, and yet here she lay, undisturbed by the outside world—all thanks to him. He hadn't allowed her much sleep last night, fucking her like a mad man until the early hours of the morning.

While he indulged in a few hours of sleep himself, he made sure to wake up on time. Taehyung was always punctual, dedicated to his work and responsibilities. Even if his body protested from fatigue, his internal clock never failed to rouse him promptly each morning, like a reliable alarm.

As he watched her sleeping form, a sense of contentment washed over him. Despite the chaos of their night together, seeing her peaceful and at rest brought him a quiet sense of satisfaction. She was his, and he will make sure she will never leave him.

Taehyung moved gracefully, wrapping his shirt around his body with practiced ease, his gaze never wavering from Sia's form. She lay there in her slumber, an ethereal beauty even in her unconscious state, captivating him entirely.

As Sia began to stir, Taehyung's attention heightened, observing her every movement with a keen interest. He watched as she woke, her initial panic at finding the bed empty quickly replaced by relief, unaware of his presence in the room. A smirk tugged at his lips as he relished her reaction.

Sia, now fully awake, hesitantly removed the bedsheet from her body, only to discover herself wrapped in his shirt. Anger surged through her, her grip on the sheets tightening, jaw clenched in frustration. She despised feeling vulnerable in front of him, resenting her inability to resist his advances.

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