Chapter 22

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Her angelic laughter resonated in the air, making her look more beautiful. She was looking divinely pure, so pure that he felt an urge to hide her in his embrace. Her face was tilted back as she was laughing her heart out. Instinctively, his gaze fell on the mole adorned just below her neck on the left side of her cleavage. It wasn't prominent until you saw it up close. That single, tiniest thing stirred something inside him. A wave of lust washed over his body as he felt to kiss that mole to his heart's content.
Lick it until that area becomes red with his marks. His eyes roamed lustfully on her mole until she steadied her neck.

He blinked his eyes and smiled at her shyly. His hand was behind his back as he felt absolutely absurd about what he just said.
But it made her laugh. It brought a smile to her face that was more important to him than his shyness.

"You're so funny, Kook!"

Sia commented. His heart skipped a beat upon hearing her call him by that name. It always does. Wherever she called him with her endearing name, he felt an euphoric sensation in his heart. It made him feel wanted; it made him feel that he belongs to her solely.

"You don't know my sense of humor yet, sia. I used to do standup comedy in my college days and was also a heartthrob  of my batch. Whenever I used to perform, most girls used to attend the show."

Jungkook disclosed her flow, gaining her attention. Now that was the new thing for Sia. As she didn't know her husband could do comedy, from his appearance, he looked like a serious and reserved person.. always talking when it was needed. Sia looked at him with one brow raised. Jungkook realized what he said as his face lost its color. His laughter died as he looked everywhere but at her. He cursed himself, explaining why he said those things to her. It happened in flaw as those days flashed in front of his eyes while talking.

Sia was suppressing her laughter, seeing him turn his eyes away from her. She couldn't believe her husband was scared of her. The man who never talked to her more than necessary was now opening up to her slowly. The new change in him was so adorable. Sia decided to play along and tease her husband.

"So you used to be a heartthrob of your college?"

Sia asked in a serious tone.

"You must have had a fan following of so many girls, or I can say you must have had so many girlfriends after all, you were a heartthrob of your college."

Sia stressed the word deliberately to see his reaction, and the man was indeed raking in sweat. She could see that.

Well, she could understand those girls. Her man was indeed a fine sculpture. A handsome face with a sharp chiseled jaw The mole on his neck was his most attractive feature for her. And in his eyes, the duality that they possessed was her weakness. His eyes would turn dead serious, cold, and scary when he would get angry, sharp and those same eyes would turn soft, like whenever he was calm and in a good mood. Sia had witnessed both allegorical forms. And she finds them both attractive. His well-built body with those tattoos looked alluring; one could drool over his body.

Sia broke into another laughter, seeing his condition. She couldn't believe she was scaring this tall, giant man. Jungkook looked at her, all confused. A small smile crept on his lips as he interpreted her intentions.

Their loving moment came to an end as Sia's phone rang. She took her phone out of her purse and saw the name flashing on it.

The smile that adorned her lips dropped immediately as her eyes fell on the name. Her face became pale. Her hands trembled as nervousness replaced that smile. Her eyes were lingering on the phone. She looked back and forth to the phone, and Jungkook's hesitancy was evident in her action. Oblivious to her inner turmoil, Jungkook called her, seeing her not responding to the call.

"Sia your phone."

He broke her out of her transgression. Sia looked at him, who was beckoning her to answer the call. She gave him a slight nod before putting her phone in her ear, not before walking two feet away from her husband.
She didn't want him to lighten their conversation.

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