chapter 4

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"Mom, how many times have I told you that I'm not going to attend that stupid school annual function?

His frustrated, loud voice resonated in the capacious room, making the woman sigh heavily. Looking at her son, who was looking annoyed and frustrated. Placing her hand on his cheeks in order to butter him up, but the clever man moved away, knowing very well all the tactics of his mother to pursue him in doing whatever she wants.

"No, mom, these tricks are not going to work. I'm not a kid anymore."

He winked at her playfully. His mother's eye widened at his audacity to defay her.

"Please litsen to me, Tae hon."

His mother's voice was soft and gentle, and before she could say anything, he again spoke.

"Mom, this is the seventh time I'm saying one thing again and again: I will not attend that function. I have meetings, mom."

He tried to negotiate with his mother. Letting out a sigh, he even didn't like to go against his mother's word. But the place she was asking him to go is one he certainly does not like. What will he do there while watching some kids perform on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? He has better things to do.

'Tae my boy. I know you have a very busy schedule, but you have to go there, son. Your father and grandfather are the founders of that school. Because your dad is expected somewhere, he couldn't attend this function. That's why I'm asking you to go there. It's just a matter of a few hours, son. You don't have to spend your whole day there. "

His mother tried her best to make him ready to go there, but her obstinate son was now grown up, and with his age, his stubbornness grew too. But she was also his mother; she knows very well how to get things done with her obstinate son.

So she decided to play her mother's card. Shedding a few fake tears from her eyes She started her drama

I' kept you in my stomach for nine months. I have raised you all these years,only to see this day. I never thought that my son would defy my words like this. No one cares about me in this house."

With that, she started to fake cry. And this was his last straw; he could see anything but tears in his mother's eyes, even though they were fake. He couldn't stand her tears. He knows she was faking her cry. Yet he didn't say anything.

Accepting his defeat. He raised his hands in a surrendered manner and spoke dramatically.

'Okay, fine, mom, you won. Now tell me when I have to go."

He was frustrated.

A triumphant smile of victory danced on her lips, wiping her fake tears. She smiled at him, kissing his cheeks.

"My Tae. I know you will agree to go there."

He rolled his eyes at her statement as if she hadn't blackmailed him with her fake cry.

"After two days, you have to reach there at 10 a.m."

His mother informed him. After wishing him good night, she left the place.

Taehyung rubbed his head. Now he will have to go to that annual function.

Only if he knew that the place he was going would change his life forever. He will become the cause of someone's destruction, a lethal ruination of someone that will ruin him completely.


"And that's why we say that heaven lies in our parents feet."

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