chapter 30

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The dimly lit room seemed to close in on Sia as she sat on the edge of the bed, her gaze fixed on the outside world but her mind clouded with fear. His words echoed in her ears, a haunting truth that refused to fade. She felt as if a venomous snake of doubt had coiled around her soul, tightening its grip with each passing moment.

Sia's heart raced as she grappled with the notion that he might not  leave her. The mere thought sent shivers down her spine, and a suffocating feeling enveloped her. She desperately wanted to shake off the dread, to believe his words were nothing but a cruel jest. Yet, the doubt persisted, clinging to her like an unwelcome companion.

"No, no, this can't be happening. He will leave me soon. He told me,"

 she whispered to herself, a feeble attempt to anchor her thoughts in a glimmer of hope.

Her mind played a tug-of-war between reality and denial. She knew she had to confront him, to end  the looming fear that threatened to consume her. The realization struck hard  . She needs to get away from him. That's enough. She needed to break free from the cage he was constructing around her soul.

"I have to talk to him. He should let me go," 

Sia affirmed, wiping away the tears that had formed in her eyes. The tremor in her hands betrayed the anxiety that coursed through her veins.

With a heavy sigh, sia resolved to talk to him tonight. She looked at clock it read 7:30 pm half an hour to the party 

Sia resolved to get ready, 

Reluctance lingered in every movement as she prepared for the party she wished she could avoid. She knew better than to refuse him; the consequences were far too dire. He wouldn't hesitate to barge in and forcibly drag her into a world she wanted to escape.

As she adorned herself with the mask of composure, Sia couldn't help but replay Jimin's warning in her mind. Taehyung was relentless in his pursuit, stopping at nothing to achieve his desires. The gravity of the situation settled upon her shoulders, urging her to tread carefully.

In the midst of the vibrant party, where laughter and music filled the air, the venue was adorned with glowing lights, creating a magical ambiance. The chatter of guests resonated as they revealed in the celebration, indulging in drinks and immersive conversations. The grand event marked the inauguration of the new addition to Kim's Empire, hosted by Taehyung's father.

The venue was a spectacle of opulence, adorned with various flowers that brought life to the surroundings. A magnificent glass chandelier hung at the center of the hall, casting a brilliant glow across the festivities. The party exudes luxury, extravagance, and a proclamation of wealth and power.

Singers, actors, influential businessmen, and powerful politicians from various countries mingled in the opulent gathering. Yet, amidst the grandeur, Taehyung stood, his gaze fixed on the top floor, anticipation evident in his eyes.

His attention wasn't on the glittering crowd or the sparkling decorations, but on someone special—someone awaited with bated breath, making the lavish affair feel incomplete without their presence.

This lavish place dulled without her. His eyes never strayed from the staircase; impatience and desperation etched on his face. Taehyung eagerly awaited her arrival, yearning to see her adorned in the dress he meticulously chose for her. A top-tier designer crafted the gown, a testament to the special place she held in his heart.

Each passing second felt like an eternity in her absence, but as if in response to his unspoken prayers, there she was—ascending the stairs with elegance, holding her gown with care. Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as his world stopped, and everything blurred except for her.

Dressed in a scarlet pink gown, she epitomized beauty and grace. The gown accentuated her curves, and her natural beauty shone through without a trace of makeup. Silky black hair danced in rhythm with her movements, and to Taehyung, she looked like an angel fallen from heaven.

A content smile adorned his lips as he observed her. She was his pure and divine angel, captured in his own version of heaven. His world would turn to hell if she ever disappeared from his sight. Slowly walking towards her, he stood in front and extended his hand like a gentleman. Sia met his gaze, placed her hand in his, and he gently intertwined their fingers, assisting her descent.

"Are you planning to kill me, sweetheart? You look so gorgeous!" he exclaimed, his words laced with genuine admiration and affection.

Leaning in, Taehyung planted a soft kiss on Sia's lips, leaving them painted in a delicate shade of pink. There was an undeniable urge to deepen the kiss, to make those soft petals breathless, gasping for oxygen, and transform the innocent pink into a darker, more passionate red. However, a quick survey of his surroundings tempered his growing desires.

Sneaking his hand around her waist, he guided her into the heart of the party, indulging her with the presence of other guests. A proud smile adorned his lips as they walked together, as if he had achieved something incredibly precious. She was his most prestigious gift, and he reveled in the admiring glances they received. Introductions to business partners followed, and Sia reciprocated greetings with a warm smile. 

As the party unfolded, Taehyung found himself surrounded by people, each vying for his attention. Sia stood beside him, silently observing. She couldn't help but admire his confidence and presence. His words were calculated, articulate, and filled with acumen. An aura of dominance and power radiated from him as he moved through the crowd, walking as though he were a king, causing those around him to bow in acknowledgment.


a sweet voice interrupted the moment, capturing their attention. They both turned to find the source, curiosity etched on their faces.

Enjoy update.

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