chapter -7

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Sia came to home after listening a lecture for hours from her principal to everyone in her colleagues circle. They all told her she should not have done this .she should not have go against him he is very powerful man In the country. They all were very scared for her . That person will ruin her career if he wants with just a snap of his finger . He would not let her work anywhere in the country that much power he holds . 

Sia was tired of explaining everyone that whatever she did was right. His real face should be come in front of the people who thinks he is vey generous person.

Entering inside the house Sia saw jungkook was in the kitchen preparing dinner. A soft smile crept on her lips seeing her husband who was doing his best in the kitchen. Sia wanted to share everything that happened In school to Jungkook but dropped the notion thinking that he might get worried for her. She went to their bedroom to freshen up ..

After spending her precious time in taking shower Sia came downstairs. Heading towards the dinning table she saw the food was already set on the table and jungkook was waiting for her .

Sia consider herself one of the luckiest women in the world that she got husband like him . He was perfect Man . A ture gentleman. Smiling at him Sia went towards her seat . Sitting on the chair jungkook served her food and himself.

" How was your function?"

Jungkook asked and her head snapped to him . All the things that happened at function flashing in front of her eyes. Her mind clouded with ji her seeing taehyung and somi having sex , her recording that video , and what made her hands shiver was the look on his face . His raging red eyes which were stuck on her.  His devious smirk. His monstrous aura all started flashing in front of her eyes. And last but not the least his Iniquitous threat.

"  You have signed your own destruction Sia "

His deep husky voice ringing in her ear sending chills on her body. Her eyes stuck on the spoon she was holding. 

" Sia are you all right?"

Jungkook's voice snapped her back in the world.. Sia noded her head hesitation but her condition didn't go unnoticed by jungkook. Her hand was shivering little.

" Your hand is shivering , wait do you have fever ? Are you not feeling well we should go to doctor". 

Jungkooks voice filled with concern he was about to get up but Sia stopped him.

" I'm all right kook. It's just I'm.feeling little weakness since I was working all the day. I think I should go to sleep"

With that Sia got up from her seat and went towards the bedroom. Jungkook frowned at her behaviour.

Coming inside the bedroom sia immediately jumped on the bed.  Covering her body with duvet she decided to sleep. Maybe she was overthinking..may be she took his word to seriously that's why she was feeling restless. She closed her eyes and tried to divert her mind from.all those things.

Sia slet peacefully not knowing what coming for her next morning. What havoc was waiting for her. It was just starting of her destruction.

Wind started to blow with extreme vigour  that turned the atmosphere dark just like his dark vicious presence. Curtains started to move with the rhythm of wind. The soft bright yellow light if moon fell on that dark  throom which was the only source of light illuminating the wast place. 

Sitting on his armchair his body swyayed with the movements of that chair . His dark intimidated presence made the surrounding more gloomy and dark just like him.  His grey eyes were focused on the wall infront of him. 

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