chapter 10

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sia arrived at the address she had been given, a sleek and imposing skyscraper that seemed to touch the heavens. She had no idea it was Taehyungs office; in her desperation, she had blindly followed the instructions.

Stepping inside, she found herself in a luxurious lobby adorned with marble floors and expensive artwork. Her heart raced as she approached the reception desk, where an impeccably dressed secretary greeted her with a polite smile.

"I'm here to see Mr. Kim," sia stammered, her voice trembling.

The secretary raised an eyebrow and picked up the phone to inform Taehyung of her arrival. Moments later, she gestured for sia to take the elevator to the top floor.

sia entered the elevator, her stomach churning with nervousness. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, something bad was going to happen but her desperation pushed her forward.

As the elevator doors opened, she walked into a lavishly decorated office. Taehyung sat behind a massive mahogany desk, his expression inscrutable. As his attention was on his laptop infront of him . The room was opulent, adorned with paintings and sculptures that spoke of immense wealth and power.

Taehyung lifted his head sensing the presence of someone . But his eyes stuck at the person who was standing infront of him was looking at him with her widened eyes.  Shock were present both of thier faces.

When siasaw taehyung's s face, her eyes widened in surprise. It was, the same man she had insulted. She couldn't believe her bad luck.

His secretary left both of them alone before Bowing at him.. closing the door behind sia making her flinch at her spot.
Sia could not believe where her desperation landed her , how can She be so ignorant , how could she not search about the person whom she was going to ask help . Sia stood there contemplating what to do next. Whether she should ask his help or leave the place .

What if he is not going to help her. What if he would  insult her and throw her out of his cabin as her last encounter with him was not that pleasant.
She was standing there with her lowering her head playing with her fingers.

Not realising that those pair of winter grey eyes were struck at her figure. Keeping his hand on his chin he observed her who was standing infront of him .He had not expected her for sure.  Why has she come here ? Is she there to apologise him?  He thought.

Standing up from his black leather chair . He stood up in his authoritative aura making her avert her nervous eyes at him ..he found her looking away from him when his eyes met with her hazel ones.
Sia felt him coming closer to her which made her clutch the hem of her dress in anxiety and nervousness.  His intimidating presence wasn't helping her either to feel her comfortable.

Coming extremely close to her he stood infront of her looking at her intensely.

"What good deeds have I done  that you have come to meet me in person sia? Or have I again done something that you came here to teach me a lesson or should I be afraid that you again might have secretly recorded my video doing something nasty things sia"

He mocked her making her gulp the saliva.
An insolent smirk was playing on his lips as he watched her gulping in nervousness. He was desperately wanted to know the reason behind her presence here.  Sia looked at him , she was right she should have run from here. This man is impossible. She shouldn't accept any good thing from him.. but what if he help her understanding her situation what if there was some humanity left in him..

Sia decided to litsen to her heart. She inhaled deep breath looking at him with her desperate eyes .

Desperation in her voice, she implored, "Mr. Kim . I doctor Choi gave me your address telling me that this person could help me.. my husband he is in hospital and his treatment cost millions… I need your help to save my husband's life. Please, I'll do anything. "

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