chapter 31

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Taehyung," a sweet voice interrupted the moment, capturing their attention. They both turned to find the source, curiosity etched on their faces.

As they turned around, Taehyung spotted his parents approaching, and a warm smile graced his face. Walking closer, he enveloped his parents in a tight hug. Sia observed the shift in his demeanor; this was the first time she was meeting his parents.

Taehyung parted from the hug, and his mother's gaze naturally shifted to Sia. An admiring look crossed her face.

"Who is this beautiful lady, Taehyung?" his mother inquired with a smile, curiosity evident in her eyes.

Taehyung's eyes met Sia's briefly before he replied, "She is Sia, my friend." He skillfully masked the truth, though Sia shot him a glance of disbelief.

"You are beautiful, Sia," his mother complimented, unable to hide her appreciation. Sia smiled graciously, feeling a mixture of discomfort and flattery. Taehyung smirked with pride at his successful deception.

However, his father's eyes remained observant, silently analyzing every action and nuance.

"Thank you," Sia replied courteously as Taehyung's mother inquired about her profession.

Before Sia could answer, Taehyung interjected, "She is a teacher, Mom. She teaches at our Seoul branch."

"That's great, Sia. It must be quite difficult to handle kids of this generation  isn't it?" his mother asked curiously.

"Yes, sometimes they really drain you out, but if you show your love to them, they listen everything" Sia replied with a warm smile.

His mother's curiosity shifted to Sia's personal life. "So, Sia, who lives in your family?"

"I live with my husband; he is a business lawyer," Sia said proudly.

"Oh, that's great! So, you must have to go to court every time you both fight," his mother joked. Sia smiled, finding a kindred spirit in the woman before her. There was a joyous aura about her that made conversation easy.

"No, we don't usually fight. He is very understanding in nature. He loves me so much. I'm very lucky to have him," Sia expressed sincerely.

"You are lucky, Sia. Not everyone gets such an understanding husband," his mother remarked.

"Yes, indeed, I am. I love him so much," Sia added intentionally. However, Taehyung's mood shifted abruptly upon hearing her words. Fury rushed through his veins as his jaw clenched. Her confession about her loving husband pierced through his ears painfully, like a sharp needle. He couldn't tolerate thoughts of her husband; he simply hated him.
Sia knows very well that she pressed his worng nerve but did she regret it

no.. she needed to give him a reality check that she gave.

However his father's observed the shift in his son's demeanor something was going in his mind.

After some time, the presenter invited the Kim family to the stage to cut the cake. The trio walked ahead of Sia, who remained stationary.  Taehyung saw that Sia was not with them and turned around to find her standing at her usual spot.  He was ready to walk towards her and take her there when Sia shook her head, no.

It would raise a lot of questions among the public, and she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself.  Taehyung hesitantly agreed and walked on.

Taehyung cut the cake and fed it to his parents.  It was the happiest time for them. They looked like a happy family. 
The host declared that the cut ceremony had ended.

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