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" N... No"

She refused his demand. 

The drama begins once more.   He sometimes wonders why this woman refuses him even though she has no choice but to comply with him in the end.  

"Don't worry about the place sia , no one can come here , this is my private property."

He gave her assurance.  But his words did not calm her, nor did they make her worry go away; in fact, they increased her fear. Her eyes were welling up with tears. Sia backed up, shaking her head in disbelief.  He jerked her forward to his body before she could take step back.  He encircled her in his arms. His gaze sank into her terrified ones. He sniffed her aroma as he leaned up close to her ear.

“ Why you always love to refuse me sia, when at the end you have to succumb to me ?"

He asked sniffing her neck. 

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