chapter 11

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As Sia stepped into the opulent penthouse, her breath caught in her throat. The vast expanse of floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking view of the city's sparkling skyline, like a canvas painted with stars. The soft glow of ambient lights highlighted the modern yet luxurious decor, with sleek furniture, tasteful art pieces, and exotic plants adorning the space. A grand piano stood elegantly in one corner, waiting to fill the room with music.

A courteous servant in a crisply tailored uniform greeted her with a warm smile, extending an arm to lead her further into the penthouse. Sia followed, her heart pounding, as she imagined herself getting lost in this world of extravagance.

They finally reached the bedroom, and Sia hesitated at the threshold. The room was a sanctuary of indulgence, with a king-sized bed draped in silk sheets, plush cushions, and a canopy that whispered of both passion and comfort. Moonlight spilled through the sheer curtains, casting a seductive glow on everything it touched.

The servant quietly excused himself, leaving Sia alone in the room, her thoughts racing. Doubt gnawed at her, wondering if this decision was the right one. She knew that spending the night with him could change everything, and the fear of getting too close to the enigmatic man plagued her. Sia sat on the edge of the bed, her heart conflicted, as she wrestled with her feelings and her choice, in the midst of this sumptuous haven.

As she stepped into the opulent room, her heart pounded like a trapped bird, each beat a reminder of the heavy burden she carried. Her eyes, usually filled with determination, were now clouded with uncertainty and fear. The expensive silk dress she wore felt like a prison,  he had ordered her to wear the dress he had sent to her , having no choice sia obeyed on his demand.the weight of it pulling her down as if it were shackles chaining her to this place.

As Taehyung entered the room, his presence seemed to fill the space with an electrifying tension. Sia's heart raced even faster as she watched him approach with a predatory grin that sent shivers down her spine. His eyes, dark and mesmerizing, seemed to pierce through her, making her feel exposed and vulnerable.

Taehyung's every step seemed deliberate, as if he relished the power he held over her. He moved closer, his aura overwhelming her, and she couldn't help but tremble in fear. 

Taehyung' wanted to break her, to strip away her self-respect and dignity, and he was unapologetic about it. As he drew nearer, Sia's fear welled up inside her, and a single tear rolled down her cheek, a silent cry for help in this lavish yet menacing room.

The powerful businessman's gaze bore into her, a predatory gleam in his eyes that made her skin crawl. She wanted to maintain her composure, to hide the turmoil inside her, but her trembling hands betrayed her, fingers fumbling with the delicate fabric.

In this moment, she couldn't help but reflect on the life she had known before, the love and trust she had shared with her husband. The thought of betraying him twisted her stomach into knots, and she felt a deep sense of shame wash over her.

Every fiber of her being screamed against this act, her reluctance to be with him was palpable. She couldn't bear to meet his gaze, couldn't stand to see herself giving in to his demands. It wasn't just her body that was vulnerable in that room, but her spirit, too, as she reluctantly prepared to spend a night that would forever scar her soul.


The room seemed to close in around her as he stared at her expectantly, his voice dripping with authority as he commanded, "Strip."

She hesitated, her heart racing faster. Her body felt like a cage, and every inch of her skin prickled with unease. She couldn't believe she had agreed to this, but it was the only way to save her husband's life.

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