chapter 8

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A heavy Singh released form jungkook' as the counter boy gave him the news . Jungkook looked at the card which Was in swipe Machine. A vibration in his jacke's pocket gain his attention and he took out his phone form his jacket. 

Opening the lock he read the message which contained information about his back balance and it showed that his bank balance is now zero . There wasn't single penny in it. Sia who was present beside him all the time looked at him with frown on her face . Her brows creased in confusion as she didn't know why was her husband standing at the counter and not paying the bills . To get her answer sia shook jungkook's shoulder and asked him what happened. Jungkook turned to her and with disappointment dancing on his face reluctantly he showed her the Message sent by his bank . Sia read the contents Inside the message and  her face lost its colour. They run out of money . 

With gloomy face sia looked at jungkook with tears in her eyes. Asking him what now . Jungkook turned towards the counter and asked the counter boy to put some of thier things back . Because there wasn't any option other than reduce the ingredients they were going to buy. The boy did as he asked to and jungkook paid the bill with the remaining amount left in his bank balance.

Sia watched all this wordlessly. 

It's been three months since that incident happened and her life took completely turn of 360 degree. Just as that ruthless monster promised he stuck to his words . He snatched her job. He stanched her source of income. But for sia it wasn't just source of income For her , teaching was not just a job but it was her passion. She liked sharing her knowledge to her students. She was dedicated to her work like a devotee .it was her dream that came true and she worked hard to achieve that dream   but that man snatched her dream with the snap of his finger he didn't even expelled her from his school but even made sure she won't get job anywhere.

In this three months sia tried to find job everywhere.  She went form school to school for an interview but they would just reject her application just by seeing her name or would give her inane reason that she wasn't that much qualified for this post even though she was qualified enough to get that post.  But whom she was kidding when the poweful man in the country wants to destroy someone there would be nothing can save her from her destruction.

But Sia refused to give up she tried everything that was in her hand. She even tired to work in small schools at very low pay scale but those organisations would also reject her application by seeing her name . 

That man had left no choice for her . He really signed her destruction by his own hands.  Even jungkook tried hard to find job in this three months but nothing worked for him too.  He would aslo get rejection every time. 

They both used all thier Saving in between this three months and now they both had no money .  Sia's eys welled up just by thinking about how they are going to survive for next days . 

They both came out of the general Store after taking thier groceries . Jungkook was holding the bags in his hands while Sia was walking beside him . They had to walk to their house because they both had no money to pay for cab.

" I'm sorry jungkook!"

Sia apologised while walking jungkook looked at her sidd eyes but refused to say anything.

" It's all because of me . I…I should not have done this . We are facing all this because of my stupidity. "

Sia continued. 

" It's okay sia Whatever has happened, it has happened, now we cannot change it. Other than finding way to get out of this problem we don't have any option"

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