chapter 21

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Three months later.
Life changed drastically for Sia in these three months, bringing out some good news and some bad news for her. The only good thing that happened to her was her husband.
He was fit and fine, thanks to the doctors, all those medications, and her effortless devotion to him. He was discharged from the hospital and is now living with her. Jungkook was surprised by her love and devotion for him. The woman worshipped him like a god. She took care of him in these three months; it was her selfless efforts and diligence that he was walking on his feet today.
As doctors had given them a negative response, he couldn't walk so soon as both legs were damaged due to the brutality those people showed him. Jungkook went pale as soon as he heard the news. He didn't say anything, but Sia could sense the gloominess dancing on his face. Although he would be smiling in front of her, showing this news didn't affect him all, but Sia was well aware of his inner turmoil, the pain he was going through, and the fact that doctors had advised him to use a wheelchair.
His heart broke into pieces the moment he saw that wheelchair. Negative thoughts started roaming in his mind. He felt helpless; he didn't want to increase the problems of his wife being handicapped. She was already handling everything, and on top of that, he didn't want to be a burden on her. He lost his self-worth and confidence. Feeling like a loser and a burden on his wife, he decided to make her free from the miseries he was causing her. And came to an absurd decision.
He decided to give her a divorce so that she could live her life without any hurdles. Without any tension. But he didn't know that his one decision would bring Strom into his life. Sia gave him an earful of lectures on thinking about such an absurd demand. She was so angry with him that she gave him silent treatment for weeks.
There was no conversation between the two of them, as Sia was so adamant about teaching him a lesson. Jungkook tried many ways to get his sister back, but she was masterful at shooing him away. He lost count of the times he apologized for his demand.
Finally, after a lot of efforts, she talked to him before giving him an hour of scolding to not think about the divorce thing again.
Jungkook felt so lucky for himself that he got Sia. She was a light in his dull life.
Her optimistic nature vanished all the negativity from his life. A divine source of positivity and light that could end the darkness looming over others lives.
But the man wasn't aware of the fact that the person who was the source of his light was living under the shade of darkness. The woman who could bring life into his dead life was herself drifting into the abyss of death.
Only if he knew.
Guilt engulfed him every time he would see her struggles for their survival. She was working for them and also taking care of him at the same time. He didn't know how she was managing everything. He tried to ask her so many times that how did she manage to arrange money for his treatment and for her, but she dodged his question every time or came up with unbelievable answers.. though he got suspicious by her response but shurgged it off.
Her love for him was unconditional. She loved him at his worst, and he promised he would do his best for her. He would make her proud of himself. After his full recovery, he would find a job and work hard to fulfill her every need and demand. He will make her his queen. His love for her is increasing with each passing second.
And by God's grace, he recovered only within three months. It was all unbelievable for him. The doctor's hands fell upon him, but her continued efforts brought life back to his limbs. He gives all his attributes to his wife. And after, he was able to walk on his feet. He started looking for jobs to ease her burden.
Thankfully, he got a job as a lecturer at a small college. And it was a good job he was teaching law students. Though it was very small and the payscale was not that good, he was happy that it was better than sitting idle. Jungkook was the happiest person on earth when he got that job, as was Sia.
Everything got back on track in his life.
And for Sia, she too got her job back at her school. She knew who could be the person behind this; it didn't take her time to know that it was all his doing. But she was happy. Meeting her friends and those small bundles of joy in school. It was an important part of her life. Even for a short period of time, it helped her to forget all her miseries. Those small children were like a ray of light in her life. Sia would forget all the problems of her life and return to her old self with them.
The bad thing that happened in her life was him. A vicious Strom that entered into her life . Drifting her away into his destruction.
In these three months, he didn't leave a single chance to add her miseries. He would make her spend time with him, even if it's night. His demands were insanely vulgar.
One thing she got to know about this man in these three months was that he was a psychopath. The only word that could describe him well He made her life hell in these three months with his absurd demands.
He would call her anytime to spend time with him in a luxurious restaurant just because he would get bored or make her cuddle with him at night as he would find unable to sleep. He got intimate with her two times during this period of time. He wouldn't leave a single chance to touch her. Sia had lost count of the number of times he kissed her. Her meeting with him would start with his passionate kisses and would either end up with him kissing the life out of her or sleeping beside her.
Only she knows how she was hiding this ugly secret from her husband. Her heart ached, thinking about the infidelity she was doing behind her husband's back. She was dying of guilt every day. Her heart cleanched painfully seeing the smiling face of her husband.
Cheater, that's what she was thinking of herself. She was finding no difference between that woman and herself. All this is happening because of her single mistake. Her one mistake was causing her to lose her dignity.
She was leaving in the only hope that a man would get in front of her and set her free as soon as possible.
But only if she knew that she had already stepped into the lion's den, and there is no way that he would let her go.
It was nighttime, and Jungkook and Sia were outside for a walk. After completing all her work, Jungkook asked her to go outside for a walk, as the weather was great outside.
It was a winter night. a cold gush of wind flowing in rhythm outside. The view was beautiful.  The sky was adorned with bright, shining stars. The moon was radiating its light, glowing brightly in the dark sky. It's a brilliant halo. Faded all the darkness.  The city was illuminated, glowing in different colors.
People were busy spending their time in the park; some were playing, and some could be seen with their loved ones.
The weather was calm and soothing. Soft music playing on the streets was adding life to the atmosphere, turning it romantic.
Sia and Jungkook were both walking. Their hands intertwined as they admired the beauty of nature. Sia gazed at the night sky as usual, her eyes stuck at the shining celestial object. Her eyes shone brightly under the soft moonlight. Those oceanic orbs looked more heavenly and beautiful under the soft moonlight. It looked ethereal. While Sia was lost admiring the moon, Jungkook kept himself drowned in accessing her features. He was seeing the most beautiful sight in front of him. His wife.
Her soft features. He drank her beauty; her face was calm; her eyes fluttering to the sky and her surroundings. Her heavy lashed fluttering every time like a bird's wings whenever she looked around. Her small, button-like nose was looking cute. Her soft, silky hair was tied in a messy bun, but the freely falling strands on her face increased her beauty, as were her soft pink lips. His eyes landed on those soft petals.
Connecting in a thin line. His eyes halted on her eyes again, but he couldn't wash away the thought that her eyes looked dull, even if they're shining brightly, but they looked cold and dead. Engulfed by darkness,
An urge to kiss those lips crashed inside him like a wave. After their marriage, he never got to taste her lips. They were so drowned in their life problems that they forgot to live, but this time Jungkook decided he would not let even the shadow of dark clouds loom around them.
They had suffered enough; now it's time to end their miseries.
"Why are you looking at the moon so intensely?"
Jungkook asked, seeing her eyes stuck on the moon.
Sia averted her eyes off the moon and looked at her husband, whose eyes were already struck on her. A small smile crept on his lips.
"Because it gives me strength and positivity, it helps me not to lose my faith in God. It's bright light consuming the deepest darkness of the sky teaches me to never lose hope, because no matter how much darkness an evil possesses, it would never stand against the power of God."
"The moon helps me to always believe in positivity."
Sia completed. Jungkook smiled upon hearing her response. She was so thoughtful with her words. How can she find a source of positivity in everything? She was a divine source of optimum.
"You know what? You would turn me into a philosophical person in a few days, so soon I'll be giving lectures on philosophy and poetry to my law student. Imagine the future business lawyers fighting their case with philosophical words, giving lectures about life to the culprits. It would be a sight to see."
Jungkook spoke with a chuckle. A soft giggle resonated in the air as Sia couldn't control her laugh. His words made her laugh. Jungkook felt butterflies in his stomach after seeing her laugh freely. She looked ethereal. Her laugh brought a soothing sensation to his heart. He wished he would keep that smile forever on her lips.
"How are they? Do they annoy you?"
Sia questioned, looking at him.
"No, they are not like your students draining all the energy out of me. They are very disciplined and well mannered. They are obedient and listen to my everything."
Jungkook replied calmly. Sia squinted her eyes, narrowing her oceanic eye. She folded her hands on her chest. She turned towards him. She snapped at him.
"Excuse me! What do you mean by my student? Don't say anything about them; they are most innocent and pure. And they also said to me, "
She said she was offended. There was one thing about Sia: she couldn't tolerate any bad things against her students. Say something bad in front of her, and she will be ready for the third world war. Jungkook had experienced this when he accidentally complained about a child who was too annoying. He had met that student of hers in the park when they were strolling in the evening and happened to come across the kid.
That naughtiest kid had annoyed him with his inane talks and stupid questions, which Jungkook found too difficult to answer. Frustrated, he cursed that kid in front of her when they reached home, and Sia turned their small conversation into a battle. He had to apologize to her later to make it up for her.
Jungkook raised his hands in the air in surrender. He didn't want to start a war again. She would be ready with a list of things against him. Sia broke into another giggle, seeing him afraid of her. The air around them was filled with warm happiness.
They both are so deep into each other that they fail to notice the darkness lurking around them.
Their smiling faces itched in someone's eyes who was looking at them with eyes burning like lava. The sight was dissatisfying to his eyes. Those winter gray eyes were burning with intense jealousy. He felt like he was pickling in various emotions. Mix of hate, jealousy, and anger.
Without wasting time, he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

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