chapter 27

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Taehyung brought the car to a halt at their desired place. He turned his head to see Sia, who was looking outside with expectation. Her eyes flickered with wonder as she gazed at the location. He smiled when he saw her reaction. A proud smile appeared on his lips.  As he got out of the car, he rounded to her side and opened the door.  He extended his hand as a gentleman, smiling.

Sia placed her hand on his and sat down.Her doe eyes scanned the area where she stood. She was greeted with a cold gust of wind rushing all over her body, making her shudder. She instantly brought her hands close to her body, caressing them.

She instantly rubbed her palms on her arms to provide warmth. She could hear the thunder of water. The environment was frigid, with a freezing wind blowing against their bodies with each passing second. Large palm trees are decorated all around.Sia moved her head towards him.

"where are we?"

Sia inquired suspiciously.

"on my private island"

He replied, a proud smile on his face. He looked at her to gauge her reaction, only to smile at seeing her expression.  Her eyes were out of their sockets, and her mouth was open.  Her expression was one of shock.  She looked cute.

“ You own an island?"

Sia asked in disbelief. This man  is extremely wealthy. She had just recently heard that with this wealth , people can have anything they want, and now she had seen it for herself.

"Yes sia"

Taehyng answered her  with a proud smile, sliding her hand around her waist and pulling her closer to him. Her wonderful scent reached his nostrils, causing him to close his eyes with contentment. Her enchanting scent never failed to soothe his senses.

"You want to stand here all night ?"

He asked her, noticing her standing like a statue, gazing at the site in astonishment.
He was certain she would be astounded to see the island from inside... this place is heaven. He could hardly wait to see her surprised expression. Sia shakes her head in no.

" This is so beautiful"

The word came out of her mouth involuntarily.  She couldn't help but admire this stunning location.

It was a bioluminescent beach.

Sia stood on the shore, mesmerized by the ethereal dance of bioluminescent waves. The moonlight bathed the beach in a silver glow, revealing the enchanting spectacle of tiny organisms creating a celestial display beneath the surface. The waves sparkled like a galaxy of stars, casting a spell that left Sia in awe of nature's nocturnal masterpiece. She couldn't help but feel a profound connection to the luminescent symphony, losing herself in the rhythmic harmony of the sea and the moonlit magic that unfolded before her.

The palm trees, silhouetted against the moonlit sky, swayed gently in the cool breeze. Their fronds whispered secrets in the night, adding a tropical melody to the tranquil scene. The white sand beneath Sia's feet felt cool and soft, a canvas for the play of moonbeams reflecting off the shimmering waves. Each grain held a story of the tides that had come and gone.

As the sea waves caressed the shoreline, their rhythmic lullaby blended with the distant melody of the palm leaves. Sia stood in the embrace of the night, feeling the ebb and flow of the ocean as it mirrored the quiet symphony of the bioluminescent wonders beneath. The air held a serene stillness, broken only by the gentle lapping of waves against the shore, creating a moment where time seemed suspended in a tranquil and otherworldly embrace.

Taehyung, standing a few steps behind Sia, found himself captivated not just by the celestial display of the bioluminescent beach but also by the ethereal beauty of the woman beside him. As Sia gazed in wonder at the luminescent waves, Taehyung's eyes traced the contours of her profile, illuminated by the soft moonlight.

Lost in the silent admiration of nature's spectacle and the enchanting presence of Sia, Taehyung marveled at the way her eyes reflected the shimmering sea. The rhythmic waves seemed to echo the beating of his heart, entranced by both the cosmic dance of the beach and the mesmerizing charm of the woman who stood beside him. In that moment, the beauty of nature and the beauty of Sia intertwined, creating a scene of quiet enchantment under the moonlit night.

Sia, drawn by the irresistible allure of the sea, felt a euphoric sensation as the waves delicately embraced her bare feet. The cold water sent shivers through her, creating a tingling dance that resonated with the rhythm of the ocean. Lost in the moment, she impulsively kicked off her sandals, surrendering herself to the embrace of the sparkling waves.

As Sia stepped into the water, a surge of exhilaration enveloped her. For a brief moment, she contemplated leaving behind the chaos of her life and immersing herself in the serene beauty of the sea. The cold waves, with each gentle touch, seemed to carry away the burdens of the world.

Her eyes glowed with happiness as she witnessed the sea's glittering response to her presence. Overwhelmed by the desire to feel the luminescent magic in her hands, Sia knelt down, scooping up a handful of the sparkling water. The liquid jewels felt refreshingly cold against her skin, and her eyes lit up in excitement as the water in her hands sparkled like a handful of stars. In that serene moment, Sia found solace and enchantment, a temporary escape into the embrace of nature's radiant beauty.

"Do you know why this water glows at night?”

Taehyung's voice, filled with curiosity, cut through the rhythmic sounds of the waves.

Sia, turning towards him, found his gaze already fixed on her. A genuine smile adorned her face, and as her eyes met his, a subtle connection sparked. Taehyung's heart skipped a beat, captivated by the enchanting sight of her smiling under the moonlit night. The world around him blurred, and for that moment, she was the only focal point in his universe.

“ it's because of bioluminance, a certain type of alage found in water “

In response to his question, Sia spoke with a gentle tone, her soft and docile voice piercing through Taehyung's ears, creating a serene calmness. He was entranced, as if her voice could play a melody that only he could hear. As she answered, Taehyung realized that this woman had a power over him, a captivating force that could drive him to the brink of obsession. In that moment, he understood that he would go crazy without her, swept away by the magic of her presence under the moonlit beach.

As Sia stood up, a sense of connection to the peaceful surroundings enveloped her. The rhythmic waves seemed to beckon her towards the dark ocean, offering an escape from life's chaos into a realm of pure happiness.

Taehyung, unable to resist the magnetic pull of her presence, followed closely behind as if compelled by an enchanting force. His mind whirled with thoughts of her, convinced that she held some mysterious magic over him. His eyes fixated on her back, the movement of her long hair swaying with the wind, and the subtle curves that teased his senses.

With an increasing sense of desire, Taehyung quickened his pace until he was walking beside her. In a bold move, he snaked his hand around her waist, pulling her towards him. The two walked in silence, the only sound being the soft crunch of sand beneath their feet and the soothing melody of the sea. The air was charged with an unspoken tension, a silent dance between two souls entangled in the allure of the moonlit night.

Taehyung and Sia strolled in silence, the air thick with curiosity. Sia's eyes danced across the surroundings, capturing every detail as if weaving a tapestry of everlasting memories. Taehyung, like a lost puppy, shadowed her every move.

As the duo concluded their exploration, Taehyung gently intertwined his fingers with hers, turning her towards him.

"I have prepared something for us,"

he revealed, his eyes ablaze with excitement, a tender smile gracing his lips. Soft moonlight caressed his face, highlighting his angelic features. He possessed the kind of handsomeness that could enchant any woman, leaving them mesmerized. Sia understood why women succumbed to his charm; he was the epitome of perfection, blessed with looks, wealth, and everything desired, yet beneath the surface lurked a heart with a darker side.

Sia snapped out of her trance as Taehyung grasped her hands, leading her to the surprise he had crafted. The ambiance was enchanting, twinkling lights illuminating their path. It was a moment suspended in time, where the allure of the setting collided with Sia's awareness of the enigmatic man beside her. She decided to savor the moment cautiously, aware that behind his captivating exterior, Taehyung might be a devil in disguise.

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