Chapter 16

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The soft hum of machines filled the sterile hospital room as the early morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the white walls. Sia stirred, her eyelids heavy as she slowly began to regain consciousness. Her head throbbed with a dull ache, and the world around her seemed hazy and disconnected.

As her vision cleared, she realized she was in a hospital, the memory of the accident returning to her in fragmented pieces. Panic welled up inside her as she tried to sit up, but sharp pains shot through her body, and she winced. Her right arm was wrapped in a cast, and a web of bandages covered her forehead.

"Take it easy," a gentle voice said, and she turned her head to see a nurse at her bedside, offering a reassuring smile. "You've been through quite an ordeal."

She nodded weakly, her eyes filling with tears as a rush of memories flooded her mind. The events leading up to the accident, the pain, the fear—it all came rushing back. And, most of all, the face of that person who had hurt her. Because of whom she was suffering.

Tears welled in her eyes, and she choked back a sob, trying to piece together the timeline of events. The betrayals, the pain , humiliation,—each memory was like a dagger to her heart. She had carried the weight of her miseries for so long, and now, in the confines of the hospital room, it all came crashing down upon her.

She closed her eyes, trying to stifle her sobs, but it was impossible. The nurse gently squeezed her hand, offering comfort and understanding. It was in that moment of vulnerability that the floodgates of her emotions burst open, and she let herself cry. The pain, the anger, the heartache—all of it poured out of her as her body shook with sobs.

The nurse continued to offer silent support, understanding that sometimes, the healing process required the release of pent-up emotions.  acknowledging her pain, and finding the courage to move forward.

After quite long time sia calmed herself down . Inhaling a deeep breath she acknowledged her surroundings, she was confined in bright white room with bunch of machines surrounding her . Sia noticed her left hand which was attached to the drip . Slowly tearing her hazel orbs from her hand her eyes darted towards the woman who was present inside the room writing something on her notepad . The woman offered her a gentle smile acknowledging her eyes on her.

" W..who brought me here ? "

Asked Sia .

Not knowing the reply from the nurse was going to blow her mind.

The woman turned around understanding her inner turmoil, passing her a glance she replied giving her a soft smile.

" Well you were admitted here  by a man who found you on the road as he was present at that moment when you got into the accident.  "

Sia  remained silent hearing the pile of information . She was grateful of the man who saved her life . Who brought her on the time otherwise she couldn't even imagine what would have happened to her.
She would definitely meet that person and thank him  for saving her life.
Sia was drowned in her thoughts when she heard the nurse speaking further providing her with new shocking information.

" But I didn't know you are very special to Mr. Kim  mam . You are very lucky that Mr. Kim is your boyfriend.  You don't know how terrified he was when he came to the hospital searching for you.. he looked scared very scared. He even waited for hours outside the operation theatre just for hearing any news of you.  He looked devasted.  I have never seen him so desperate and vulnerable for anyone. You are truly lucky mam "

The nurse stopped after completing her words. Leaving sia in extreme shock

As sia lay in her hospital bed, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions and questions.  Hearing this shocking revelation The sterile white walls of the hospital room did little to comfort her as the realization sank in that the person who had caused her horrific accident was now waiting for her recovery. Her heart raced, and her eyes darted around the room as she pondered the unsettling turn of events.

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